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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I wear a Bills lanyard year-round, and it's fairly noticeable since it's bright blue and a team that basically nobody else around here follows. Today someone I know saw it on me for the first time and asked if I started wearing it for football season. I told them if I had any sense football season is when I shouldn't wear it. ?
  2. Have a great day, SDS. Thanks for creating a place where I have been able to get to know so many people without ever meeting them, and it's not at all creepy.
  3. "Sugar House in Salt Lake City" is exactly where I live. That's pretty cool.
  4. I was optimistic, but moreso because of the defense. Now I'm not so optimistic after seeing them get manhandled.
  5. Getting back on topic... I thought it was almost a given that the Bills defense would become dominant this year.
  6. This sounds like it's not a new idea, but I don't recall seeing it discussed here before...I'm not a fan of increasing the season to 18 games, but it's a fascinating idea to limit players to playing 16 games at most. So in a way, both sides get what they want: the owners get more regular season games, and the players still only play 16 games at most. Could NFL use an 18-and-16 approach to the regular season? What do you think? It would really emphasize the importance of quality depth, and make for some really interesting strategic moves during the season.
  7. A compilation of all of Bruce's sacks from the very beginning I dare you to watch all 1 hour and 30 minutes of this masterpiece. At the very least, check out the sack that starts at 2:52. I mean, he just completely blows up a double team in humiliating fashion and sacks O'Brien before he completes his dropback. I'm sure this has been posted before, but has to be worth another visit.
  8. As others have pointed out, it's not just about distance. Dropping them inside the 20 is also important, but another key is placement. I haven't been watching Carter, but the punt he got injured on was a really nice one -- good distance, and pinned the returner near the sidelines. Schmidt isn't bad at that either, but it may be that they're looking for someone with the same leg but a bit more precision placement.
  9. Tough one, really. I think the Browns overall have the better talent, and even though I can’t stand Gregggggo their defense will be quite good this year. TT will give them chances they didn’t have last year. The thing going against them is a pretty brutal schedule. I think the Bills will regress from last year, but not a lot. I’m a little worried about the O line and the defense’s inability to stop the run. I give the slight edge to the Browns.
  10. Wow, that was actually quite good. Better than I was expecting.
  11. If you can access it, a nice article from the Buff News about him. I thought it was pretty encouraging. Bills QB coach Culley endorsed as 'right guy' to work with Josh Allen
  12. Probably because NFL coaches are not quite as impulsive as we are and give newbies more than one chance to show they can learn and improve themselves.
  13. And on cue.... https://www.sbnation.com/2018/8/10/17673128/nfl-preseason-2018-week-1-winners-losers-browns-qbs-baker-mayfield
  14. One thing I can't stand anymore: whenever there is a turnover, and the other team responds by scoring on the ensuing drive, they ALWAYS switch the camera to the guy who made the turnover. Just lazy as ****. So !@#$ing predictable.
  15. I think that's a reasonable argument, to be honest. But here's the thing: I've always felt that your quarterback should have the kind of talent to make the players around him better, not that your quarterback needs talented players around him to make him better. (That's an exaggeration, of course: all players are made better by having talented players around them, but you want the balance for your QB to be the former, not the latter.) TT has outstanding talent as an athlete, and brings a lot to the table -- the problem is that most of what he brings to the table is not as a QB. His QB talents are mostly average. If he was just a bit better at being a QB, he'd be a heck of a player.
  16. I wish Tyrod the best, I really do. If he somehow lights it up and leads them deep into the playoffs, that's awesome for him. And I wouldn't hold it against the Bills brass for dealing him away, as most of us here wouldn't. I just think TT reached his ceiling here in Buffalo. Could his ceiling be higher elsewhere? Sure, it's possible. Just not likely.
  17. Damn, good point. Why hasn't anyone talked about that play?
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