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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Please...pretty sure all season long we were being reminded that we had one of the most difficult schedules in the league and we had one of the best strengths of victory of anyone...it was all just nonsense now, right?
  2. I wouldn't be too worried about it. They could surgically repair it if needed, but at this point probably not.
  3. Seemed to be a lot of that yesterday...
  4. Man, that is crazy. On the bright side, unlike a knee injury, this one should heal completely.
  5. Is it really any sillier than the name of the team itself?
  6. Sure, he may have had a pinched nerve, but that's almost certainly not the cause of his unsteadiness after the play. Just my $0.02 (which is less than my hourly rate).
  7. Sort of interesting how when teams put together long TD drives with only running plays, the reaction is often "Wow, they really rammed it down their throats and the other team couldn't stop them. They should do this all day." ...but if a team puts together long TD drives with only passes, the reaction is often "Wow, are they ever going to run the ball? They can't do this all day..." Or is that a straw man and I'm making that up?
  8. Agree with this. He was really hobbling with that toe injury, and it seemed to really affect his ability to scramble and his ability to step into throws. He looked very different to me after that injury, even before he got knocked out of the game. Toe injuries like turf toe can be very tough for runners to gut out...
  9. Disagree. Could have been more, but the Browns held them to FGs. Mahomes was not the same after his toe injury, too. Browns did a nice job in the third quarter before Mahomes went out.
  10. The Browns didn’t too that bad, they were mostly able to hold the Chiefs to FGs and keep them within striking distance. The main problem for the Browns was that they got away from their running game and didn’t get back to it until the second half. The defense was not the problem for the Browns today, and Buffalo would do well to have a similar plan.
  11. Same. He probably should go, though, for his own sake. He really needs to see the field more, and with Diggs, Brown, Beasley, and Davis here, he's just not getting the opportunities. I'd love to keep him, though.
  12. Zimmer is the real hero on that play. How the heck did a defensive lineman get all the way down the field ahead of almost anyone else?
  13. No kidding! He was like one of the first ones to celebrate in the end zone and I was like, “how did he get there so fast?”
  14. I don't know about others, but there's no way I could watch a 3-hour Bills game confined to a car. I need to pace around like a crazy man jacked on amphetamines.
  15. Great point. I'll admit I was torn about whether the Bills should have played or rested their starters against Miami, but in the end I think they did the right thing to eliminate their foe and stay sharp for the playoffs, even if it does risk injury.
  16. Bills win the Super Bowl and I’m getting that bastard tattooed on my shoulder.
  17. Seeing a lot more folks picking the Ravens over the Bills this morning. I'm seeing very few favoring the Bills. Seems like the 'experts' are expecting it to be the one upset of the weekend. Hopefully we'll use that as some motivation.
  18. Personally, I think the biggest factors in this game for the Bills are the two lines. If the offensive line can open some holes for RBs and keep pass rushers away from JA, we'll do fine on offense. If the defensive line can plug up holes and get pressure on LJ without letting him spring loose, we'll do fine on defense. Honestly, that should really be true for just about any game.
  19. Nevertheless, they were able to rip off several very long runs, which were just as effective as long passes and helped lead to very quick scores. Expecting the Colts to pass neither slowed them from passing nor slowed them from running, and did nothing to slow them from scoring.
  20. It's a good question, but if the Colts could score on us quickly in large part by running the ball. First drive, 75 yards, 49 on the ground. Second drive, 76 yards, 33 on the ground. Lamar could easily do at least that with his legs...
  21. Still, as I said the bulk of the yards were gained on the ground by the Colts. That, combined with our chronic inability to cover any TE in the passing game, means teams can score as quickly on us as we can score on them.
  22. On the other hand, our defense has shown time and again that they can do an excellent job of allowing other teams to score quickly. See Seahawks, Rams, and most definitely the Colts, whose two 4th Q scoring drives were 2:38 and 1:55 in length, even though the bulk of the yards were gained on the ground.
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