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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. One funny thing I noted...somewhere in the highlights of his 2nd season they ran a designed run play, forgot which game it was in that video...but they ran the same play twice in the game, both were in that video, and the play was designed to get Feliciano upfield to block for him, and both times Feliciano just ran around whiffing and not blocking anybody.
  2. Let's see Beane go rogue and trade all his picks for Pitts, Ricky Williams style!
  3. Slightly better? James had three seasons with Pittsburgh with more than 30 catches (career high 43) and has averaged about 10 yards per catch. The most catches Smith ever had in a season in his 10-year career is 12, and he's had only 2 seasons with 10 or more catches. James has more career TD catches (11) in 6 seasons than Smith had (10) in 10 seasons.
  4. Guy's only 26 (soon to be 27), has great size, and is a good blocker. Actually had decent receiving numbers when he was with Pittsburgh before he went to the wasteland of Detroit. Seems like he would be a solid pickup at the right price.
  5. That BS call never would have happened if three Bills players could have blocked one Texan on the QB sweep play just before it. Josh would absolutely have scored on the play, it was a perfect call. Still chafes my ass to think about that one.
  6. I hear he can play both positions but may be better suited as a 3-tech. But that was just an opinion...
  7. I like the announcement, I’m just amazed how much time and effort they put into that.
  8. I didn't ask for it, and don't ask me why or how it happened (long story), but somehow I ended up being given an authentic Dan Carpenter (#2) jersey as a gift a few years ago. I must be the only person in the world with one other than maybe Carpenter's dad. I still wear it occasionally, with pride, and despite people always asking why the hell I have a Carpenter jersey.
  9. Not many will understand the pure pain and dedication of that, but I do.
  10. Some folks have been on this site long enough to have had kids who are now old enough to be Veterans on this site and start having their own kids. Now *that's* a Veteran.
  11. Ah, thanks for the clarification. Still, should be an interesting free agency next year with all of the 1-year contracts...
  12. So many players signing one-year deals this year...the free agent market is going to be absolutely flooded next year, with a lot of quality players and with the cap likely soaring upward. Going to be a lot of insane contracts given out and a lot of players moving around again. Hopefully we can keep attracting players to stick around in Buffalo like we did this year.
  13. Well, the forum mods merged threads and gave it their own title without the hyphen, so they can handle it.
  14. Dude basically paused in the middle of a punt return and was still able to re-accelerate and outrun the coverage team coming at him from behind.
  15. The path to success is never a straight line, as they say.
  16. Thanks for sharing that, I didn’t know most of the story. Really sad story.
  17. I think it was the first Miami game where I realized that Allen was throwing darts and all of the receivers were catching everything thrown at them. It was the first feeling where I was becoming confident that every time Allen threw the ball somebody was going to catch it, no matter how open or covered they were, and especially when it was 3rd and long. But by far, the play of the season was Taron's INT TD in the playoffs. Just pure elation and joy that couldn't be contained. EDIT: I also still love watching Allen stiff-arm his way through the Miami defense, leaving them in his wake.
  18. I think this will turn out to be one of the real underrated signings this offseason. Really eager to see how the offense evolves with 3 really savvy vets and one up-and-coming young guy. I'm interested, though—with all of this talk about the previous strategy to stop Allen being to play man and blitz the hell out of him, what were defenses doing in the playoffs? Allen didn't play poorly against the Colts and Ravens, but they seemed to keep him from blowing things open. And against the Chiefs, Allen looked a lot more like he did in the Texans playoff game than he did most of the last regular season. I was under the impression it was some of that approach—play tough man coverage and blitz the heck out of him. Were those teams using a different approach?
  19. Best game for him last year was against the Bills...
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