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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I have no worries about this team overlooking the next game, whenever or whoever it is. This is a very disciplined, humble, hungry team. I do fully expect Daboll to install the QB sweep play again, though. I bet he is still livid that we didn't hit it when he called it in OT in the playoff game. It was the perfect play call at the perfect time, foiled only by the fact that 3 big guys couldn't block 1 DB. He *has* to want to try it again against this team.
  2. Bills look to be in a good spot, but I wouldn't underestimate CLE and BAL. Those are two good, strong teams. And TEN is starting to look strong after that debacle in Week 1 (but we know what that's like).
  3. Yes, looks like the plan was to rush 4 and drop 7, probably to make it harder for Heineke to find open receivers. In retrospect, it worked pretty well, given the interceptions and generally low output of their offense. If they were able to move the ball much better, I bet we probably would have started to see some blitzes. But the front 4 really wasn't able to get very close to him, which is a little concerning.
  4. In all fairness, we didn't have much of a pass rush from anybody today.
  5. I have to say, maybe one of the most impressive things about that game was the drive right before the half. Surgical. Outstanding clock management. Had to have crushed the WFT's spirit.
  6. In terms of pure excitement and absolute craziness, that one is right near the top of the list. I'll never forget how completely bonkers that place was when it happened. The only other times I can recall that compare is, of course, the pick-6 against Baltimore last year, and the craziness of the Dallas MNF game all those years ago.
  7. Really strange that the prevailing opinion is that the offense still is searching for its groove, yet we just scored 5 TDs and completely blew out a division opponent on the road.
  8. Yeah, I would never push it like that, especially with the solar panels available.
  9. Thanks, I'm mostly waiting for the existing lead acid battery to wear out, then replace it with a lithium battery. We're so lightweight we don't have much need for a generator. Just mostly trying to get a sense of how to monitor battery wear and usage in a way that this brain can process. I like that with a lithium you don't have to be concerned about the battery state dropping below 50%...or to any % for that matter.
  10. Absolutely. I usually give it at least 24 hours before coming back here.
  11. Thanks, @PolishDave. Just to clarify, I haven't seen the voltage drop below 12.4 yet, I was just using that as an example. Typically, the battery without any load will be somewhere between 12.7 and 12.8, and when using lights and such I'll see it drop to between 12.5 and 12.7 depending on how much load is being used. We have a pretty small camper, so there's really only room (and need) for one battery. I've been considering switching to one of those expensive lithium batteries, where you don't have to worry about drawing it down even all the way to 0%. But then I'd probably have to get a lock for the battery box...
  12. Okay, I consider myself to be an educated man, but there is something about car/RV batteries that I just can't process in my brain. I have a small camper trailer that we like to take out several times a year, mostly to places without any hookups, so we rely on the battery a good portion of the time. I've been using a marine battery with it for some time, but I've had such a hard time managing it from year to year. Basically, I'm the kind of person who would only get maybe 2 years out of a battery before it died out, and it was frustrating. The last couple of years, I've done better. I started removing the battery in between trips, got a trickle charger for the winter months, and installed a battery monitor in the camper so I could keep an eye on it. I also bought a set of portable solar panels, which I have to say is one of the best investments I've made. So easy to use, and they provide a level of security on longer trips knowing that I'll be able to keep the battery charged. I've had my current marine battery for at least 3 years now and this system seems to be keeping it in good shape, even though I truly don't know what the hell I'm doing. I'm interested to hear what others' experiences are with RV/camper batteries and what solutions you've come up with to keep them working and reliable. I'm also interested in getting a better sense of how to use the battery monitor readings to assess the battery itself. For instance, attached here is an image I got online to interpret voltage reading and battery state of charge. My understanding of car/marine batteries is that you don't want the battery state to fall below 50% or you start to see degradation of the battery, is that correct? So is the idea then that when you see a voltage at or below 12.4 on the monitor then that's an indication that the battery state is falling below 50%? Does it matter when that reading is taken, or what the demand on the battery is at that time? In other words, are you supposed to get an idea of the battery state when the battery is not hooked up to any other source (car or solar panels) and there are no pulls on the battery (ie, no lights or other electric devices being used)? Or does the state of charge apply no matter what the battery is supporting, and you don't want the voltage to drop below 12.40 at any time and with any usage? So if I'm out on a trip and I have the lights on and a fan plugged in or whatever, and the meter shows a voltage of 12.30, I should shut some things off to protect the battery? I don't know what my block is, but for some reason I can't keep this stuff straight. Infectious disease epidemiology, no problem. RV battery...I'm screwed.
  13. Just to clarify, not a co-author; I authored the accompanying editorial. And yes, I wouldn't go to the opener because of the risk. With the vaccine requirement, however, I may come back for a later game...
  14. One thing I'm noticing is how folks are having a tough time ranking the Steelers. I've seen them ranked as high as #10, and as low as #21 here. They should have a good defense, but it really depends on whether that shaky offensive line can come together quickly. Hopefully not before Sunday.
  15. Right, lots of folks would drop their full DirecTV service and go for that instead. Now why wouldn't they want to do that?
  16. Good point, I hadn't thought of that. When the time comes, if nobody has been injured requiring short or long-term IR, then they'll have a decision to make. But it's more than likely that at least one person will need to take his place on the short-term IR list.
  17. Yeah, it was really interesting to watch. I think part of it is that maybe Seattle thought there's no way they're really dropping two standing D-linemen into coverage, are they? And perhaps it messed up the assignments.
  18. Still waiting to see if anyone has an answer to this...
  19. What's interesting about the Seattle sack/fumble play linked above is that it wasn't the linebackers in the A gaps. The four rushers on the play were Klein, Edwards, Oliver, and...I think Jefferson? The two guys in the A gaps who both drop into coverage there are Jerry Hughes and Mario Addison, I believe.
  20. Well said, my Bills brother. Couldn’t have said it any better. I’ll enjoy the ride, but please, just one before I die.
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