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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I may be in the minority here, and I hate to admit it because he's a Bills guy, but I just can't listen to Murphy as the play-by-play man. His calls of big plays are so blah. There were a couple of TD calls in last week's game where I wasn't even sure he cared much that it was a TD. It feels like blasphemy to say it but I really think Murph needs to be replaced.
  2. Amazing that we've face-stomped four teams in a row with two huge shut-outs and have the largest point differential by a large margin, and we're still looking for us to obliterate someone?
  3. Only if you mix them at the right percentage.
  4. I have no idea what a pick is in this league, but I thought that as long as the receiver (eg, Kelce) doesn’t actively engage the defender that he’s trying to pick, then it’s not a pick.
  5. Tough call for the Chargers-Ravens game. Can they both lose? Mostly, I'm with @Solomon Grundy. Anything that (potentially) helps move the Chiefs further back in their division standings, the better.
  6. It was weird when I first watched it, then seeing it again now I actually think he may not have known that Sorenson was there. He may have thought he was all on his own and didn't have anyone that was going to catch him, until he suddenly realized Sorenson had caught up with him.
  7. I seriously cannot stop chuckling at this.
  8. It’s just so strange to think that we just scored 38 points and we can still talk about all the points they left on the field tonight.
  9. I mean, seriously, that is huge. No blitzing, yet plenty of pressure. That’s a recipe for success, especially against an offense like this. Kudos to this defensive line. And all of this without Milano…
  10. I just want them to win so badly. I want them to pummel KC’s spirits into the ground. Is that asking too much?
  11. What, no love for Hughes? Not saying he's at the top, but still...
  12. I was really hoping to see this happen, great move.
  13. Can't believe it took this long into the thread!
  14. Whereupon Klein will say a quick hello (and goodbye) to Kelce.
  15. Kinda weird, last season I thought we should sit Milano for the Rams game since it wasn't as critical a game and it would give him time to heal—the overwhelming response here was that every game is important and he should play if there was any chance he could go. No sitting and resting. Seems the opposite this year. Huge game with playoff seeding implications, but now people think he should rest? Why were people less concerned last year about keeping Milano healthy for the long term?
  16. Yep, the main reason we got bounced in KC last year is because our O-line couldn't block for the run *or* the pass. It was horrific. The main reason we lost in BUF last year is essentially because their O-line beat up our D-line, primarily on running plays. We basically invited them to run it, and we didn't do a good enough job stopping it. I think we'll use the same strategy this time, and we'll see if the rejuvenated D-line (especially with Star) can hold up this time.
  17. Welp, guess that means he'll be a Bill in a year or two.
  18. That was awesome, if only because now I know what he’s been saying at the snap. I always thought it was “120”.
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