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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I get it, and I think that's a good argument. It also like the "delay of game" penalty when the offense snaps the ball right as the play clock expires. Who's delaying the game now? But yeah, you have to call those, even though it can come across as counterproductive.
  2. I thought teams weren't supposed to blitz him or he'd make them pay big time?
  3. Good explanations, everyone, thanks. I hadn't thought of the concept that #91 is Josh's responsibility, at least not that way, but that makes sense. I also thought Josh would be keying on #91, but in reality he's probably keying on #8 like @patzen says.
  4. Yeah, I think you're right...looks like it's part of an RPO to Singletary who could run to his left behind Feliciano. I wasn't sure how #91 was left unblocked, but it looks like a 7-man blitz by Miami to try and overload the blockers. I just can't see Morse getting over to block #91 even if there wasn't a blitz.
  5. This is the TD play to Diggs last week. Great throw by Josh, nice pattern and TD by Diggs. But what the heck was the blocking scheme on this play? I still can't figure it out. Left two guys completely unblocked. What were they trying to do?
  6. Well said, and I'd also add that I don't think Whaley had quite the same approach to building not just for now but also *for the future*, the way Beane is doing.
  7. Can we just talk for a second about how he takes a FG approach on kickoffs and *still* kicks it out of the end zone? This guy is a freak. I saw another kicker last weekend take a full 8-step approach to his kickoff and it barely made it to the goal line.
  8. As long as we’re on Kelsay, he has more interceptions returned for touchdowns than Tre White.
  9. I get the love for Trubisky as a great insurance policy, but at the same time, his value is huge and will disappear after this season. If there's someone significant Beane can get for him while his value is high, someone who can be a big piece to the puzzle this year, I think you have to take that chance. Definitely a big gamble, though.
  10. Seriously, I hadn't seen that. Wilkins barrels into Josh and just bounces off of him onto the ground, while Josh steps right over him. Wow.
  11. I like the Bills defense against a backup, but it's not that often you see someone toss for 400 yards. The problem I have with the Jets is their defensive front. They've been mauling guys lately, including Tannehill and Burrow. And we know how our offensive line does against strong defensive fronts...
  12. It ain't over until there are four zeroes on the scoreboard. Until then, you do everything you can to make it impossible for them to come back.
  13. That does really suck. He's awesome to watch, even if it means trouble for us. I'd love to see us play them in the playoffs in BUFF with full rosters.
  14. Wait, what??!? I don't think I ever knew that. Holy *****, are you kidding me?
  15. Seems to me like the Bills went into this one with a defensive plan to stop Henry and pressure Tannehill into incompletions. It looked like it worked fairly well in the first half, at least through most of the second quarter. I mean, the Titans offense in the first half was basically three plays: (1) the run by Henry where the defense broke down; (2) the crazy pass that bounced off of the defender and should have been intercepted; and (3) the tipped Allen interception that put them in great field position. I thought the defense actually played pretty well in the first half other than those three fluke plays. Henry had been mostly bottled (except for one run) and Tannehill was getting consistently pressured. My frustration is that all of that went to ***** in the second half.
  16. It's amazing how quickly injuries can derail a season. Count our blessings so far...
  17. Yeah, I just made up the "actively engage" thing, but I guess what I meant by that is basically "blocking". In other words, engaging the defender in a block rather than just running a route or going for the ball. The ones I've seen called seem to be receivers whose interference with the defender looks intentional, like a block, rather than completely unintentional, like an "innocent" collision. So my guess is that it's all how good an actor the receiver is.
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