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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I still don’t think I fully understand what I just watched.
  2. You know, I will say this: up until last year it had been so long since the Bills went beyond the first round of the playoffs, much less to the playoffs at all, that I really need to start telling my wife to stop planning things too far ahead for weekends in January. Would have been tragic if the Bills were playing on Sunday or Monday this weekend. Now I'll hopefully also have to figure out how to get her to stop planning things for weekends in February as well...
  3. Not sure that’s going to get you a ton of sympathy, but good luck!
  4. Kinda looked to me like he was looking around afterward to see if any of the refs noticed... He looked like he had a strong game. Seems to be getting back in form at just the right time.
  5. White on blue is only for away games. Although it's visually my favorite combo, I hope they've ditched it for the full white-on-whites for away games.
  6. Is it really too much to ask that the Bills absolutely spank the Pats**** in a playoff game?
  7. I saw in the replay that someone landed on top of his ankle. Didn't look great, and he seemed hobbled, but he did come back into the game and seemed to be running okay. But could swell up and cause issues. I'm sure they'll be working on it to keep the swelling down. Just pray that he didn't snap a fibula or something. (I don't think he did, but...)
  8. Looks like it's Saturday night...so temps in the teens, probably, but wind and snow will probably not be an issue. Could be a little slippery.
  9. Looks like snow on Saturday, maybe a couple inches at most, but very cold. Temps in the low 20s/upper teens for the game, but probably no wind.
  10. Saturday...looks like 25-35% chance of snow during the day, maybe 2-3 inches total. Cold, highs in the low 20s. Sunday...mostly cloudy, maintains a 25% chance of snow but probably no accumulation. Cold, high 25. Monday...cloudy, still a constant 25% chance of snow but again, probably no accumulation. High 30. Wind does not seem to be an issue throughout the weekend, at least for now. Consistently 5-10mph. EDIT: bolded the Saturday weather report since that's when we'll be playing.
  11. Right now I'm seeing temps in the high 30s, 60-70% chance of rain, and winds around 15mph. Lots can change between now and then.
  12. I'm optimistic, but the main thing that gives me heartburn is that, no matter how well the defense is playing, they have a bad habit of giving up a huge play at the worst times. You can never feel confident with this defense—overall they'll play well, but huge plays can turn games in a hurry.
  13. I flew this past Sunday, and Delta now has a high-speed streaming option so I got to watch the game online on the plane with my Sunday Ticket subscription. Jackass in the Pats**** jersey sitting right behind me notwithstanding...
  14. I’d keep an eye on Berrios…he looked good in the game against TB but he appeared to tweak his knee right near the end of the game and was limping pretty good.
  15. The Jets did not throw that game away. I watched the ending, and they were on their way to winning...until they remembered they're the Jets. They went for it on 4th down deep in TB territory to go for the win, and came up short.
  16. Sir, this is a Wendy’s drive through…
  17. I remember that night well. It happened right before the family sat down for a fancy dinner, and I had a huge grin on my face the entire time. Good times.
  18. Only problem with that one is that I’d love to see the Colts take out KC, but that means we’d get them the next round.
  19. Yeah, Robyn is the best. She tweets pretty frequently too, she’s a great follow.
  20. The problem with Jerry, as I see it, is that he knows his job is to ask provocative questions to get sports players to say interesting things, but he has no idea how to do it intelligently and empathetically, which is how you get to the really interesting and insightful stuff. He uses cheap shot questions while exuding the smugness of someone who gets satisfaction from poking the bear just enough to get a response, no matter how little it adds to the conversation. Reading his work is like eating empty calories.
  21. Awesome, great to hear everything is working out so well! Got a keeper there.
  22. At least someone besides me is getting crap for this! Speaking of which, why was the first thread deleted while this one’s okay?
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