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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Damn, I don't remember that one. Sounds awesome, though! Anybody have the highlights on DVD?
  2. I think I just saw that. Happy birthday.
  3. The taxes in the Buffalo area are extremely high compared with many parts of the country. Housing may be cheaper, but I'm sure the taxes factor into the equation.
  4. I dunno, I must be missing something there....the US led by 10 points with 23 seconds left, and they called a timeout. So? It's not like Spain had any chance of winning at that point, right?
  5. It figures! Hasn't he done enough for us poor saps here who can't make it to camp?
  6. God I love football
  7. Gilbride....that bastard then again, everybody I knew watching the game would say "this play isn't going to work" every time they came up to the frigging line of scrimmage
  8. I'll vouch for ya, man. It's all I can do for the great reports so far.
  9. The stock market Rosen. I love it. How awesome is that?
  10. That was f'in great. I read kota's post and couldn't wait to see what you'd say in response, and I almost spit my coffee out.
  11. I still can't figure out who won
  12. You mean you might be our starting QB next year?? Awesome!
  13. You, sir, clearly do not have enough negative energy in your life. I recommend it. Look at all of the clear benefits of healthy negativity, it's evident all over this board. I think I have a prescription for it here somewhere, if you're interested....
  14. Highly doubtful it's his tibia. Fibulas (not fibias) are broken all the time in football. It's a small bone that is easily broken, especially just above the ankle, and it's often mistaken for an ankle sprain until they do the x-rays. The tibia is the larger bone in the lower leg, and if that breaks, then you have a slightly bigger problem. Break, fracture, no big difference. The type of fracture does matter, though.
  15. Damn, I nearly spit mouthwash all over my monitor!
  16. Uh, excuse me. Stories. Now.
  17. Hmm....now it's showing. Beats the hell out of me.
  18. You see it? I still can't. I've refreshed multiple times and it's still the old one. How odd.
  19. Sorry if I missed a discussion of this earlier... Can't seem to change my avatar. Each time I remove the old one and upload a new one, it just continues to show the old one. Any ideas?
  20. You got it...the leg will generally be healed by 4-6 weeks, but it'll take another couple of weeks for him to be able to run full speed again and, more importantly, to be able to take a hit on it without it buckling. He'll probably be doing light practice with the team in 4-6. But really, it doesn't matter much since we'd better not be needing him at all this season.
  21. Actually, it's probably a good thing it's a broken fibula rather than a high ankle sprain or something like that. Broken bones heal and generally don't present any lingering problems. Sprains, especially bad ones, can sometimes be tough to come back from. Either way, I guess if JP was to see the field this year, we'd have been screwed anyway.
  22. If those are the only 6 things to be upset about, I'm not too worried. In fact, I'll only refer to those as 5 reasons since #4 is too ridiculous to even mention.
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