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Posts posted by Rubes

  1. I thought Dicesare's article today was excellent. I agree that there is no reason to expect this team to turn it around, and there is a fine line between being 2-0 and 0-2.


    The one problem, though (as pointed out above) is that being 2-0 gives you the luxury of some extra time to work out the problems. The Bills no longer have any time to figure things out. With the Pats up next, they need to get the ball rolling or they're staring right at 0-3, with a very possible 0-5 on the horizon.


    I also thought Bucky Gleason's article was good, too. More doom and gloom, but both Dicesare's and Gleason's articles provide good perspective to the problem. Who would've thought that our offense was THAT bad over the last 16 games? Even worse than the 2-14 teams? Ugh.


    It's almost enough to make me think it wasn't Killdrive. Almost.

  2. I don't know, my impression (particularly after the JAX game) is that we had much better success running the ball to the right than to the left. Problem is, the coaches kept calling runs left, and I couldn't figure out why.


    Against OAK, I didn't see any particular success right or left.


    I will say this: if this team could ever figure out how to finish off a drive with a TD, this could be a very formidable team. They do seem to have the ability to wear down defenses with that running game in the second half.


    Problem, of course, is that that's a HUGE if.

  3. The comments from TD (per ICE) and from Moulds in the article on BB.com, as well as others we've been hearing now and then, are all intriguing...they all point to how we should expect to see just how good this offense will be in the next few weeks. I know it takes some time for a new offense to get on the same page, but it sounds like some really interesting things are in the works........

  4. It's over, get over it. So I guess nobody will route for hockey when they come back? Oh wait..... There aren't that many that route for hockey anyway.  :D



    I don't particularly care about baseball, never did. No skin off my back. Just interesting to see how hurt a lot of people were, and how many said they could never really cheer for baseball as a sport anymore. Time seems to have healed that wound.

  5. "You're standing in the end zone and they're talking about your family, and they actually know the names of your family members."


    I know someone going to the game this week...from what I've heard, I don't think I'd want to step foot in that place. Not without a helmet and a good rain parka!

  6. The should've tried a pitch right then, because I remember Travis scoring 2 TD's that way against them last year.  Up the gut played right into their strength.



    This was another problem I had, now that you mention it. The Jags are well known to be strong up the middle, with their two excellent tackles. Why try punching it in up the middle twice? Why not at least give it a try around end? A pitch would've been a nice call, IMO.

  7. I haven't chimed in on this before, but I will say this.


    Passing on 3rd and goal at the 1, following two running plays, was not a great call. In fact, I was hoping beyond hope that they would not pass on 3rd down, after calling two running plays on 1st and 2nd down.




    Passing on 3rd and 1 is not a bad idea, as you point out. But, it's a bad idea when the defense is looking for it. When are they looking for it? On 3rd and goal at the 1, after two straight running plays that didn't get it in.


    The time to pass is on 1st (or even 2nd) down. When it's 1st and goal at the 2 (or 3, wherever it was), that's a great time to pass it.


    This, of course, is not set in stone by any means. But I (and many others) have always felt that a pass on 3rd and goal at the 1 is not the greatest idea when you've just run it twice without success.

  8. I'll give it a shot (you bastard)...



    I don't think trading or releasing Clements is necessarily the right move now, despite my distaste for the man and his pea-sized brain. He is still a solid cover corner, and you really can't have too many of those. I'm not ready to turn the reigns over to McGee and Thomas just yet.


    As for Moulds and Drew, I don't know. I think everyone wants to believe Moulds is really an elite receiver in the NFL, but has he really done much to prove that yet? He's a darn good receiver, but we're not talking about a guy who's going to make play after play when you really need it. I definitely like having the guy on our team, and he does make us better overall, but I for one don't think that his production necessarily warrants his outrageous salary.


    The same goes for Drew, unfortunately.


    Although I would rather not do without Clements right now, if I was the GM and I was presented with the option of dropping Drew and Eric and putting all that saved money into quality offensive linemen, I'd think real hard about that.

  9. Don't you just love reading through the headlines on TBD every day, trying to pick out the one written by Jerry Sullivan? Isn't it fun?


    It's easy. Read all the headlines, then pick out the one that sounds like it was written by a guy who hasn't gotten laid in a couple of decades. Chances are, you're right!


    You don't even have to look for the ones from the Buffalo News. Take them all together, and don't look at the source. Just pick out the biggest black cloud of the bunch, and you win!


    Then again, I think I need a new game. This one is getting too easy.

  10. So, what part are you sick of...the interception or the way he was on Smith like glue on the long pass? Come to think of it I don't remember him getting beat on any other passes. Maybe I wasn't watching close enough?


    We need to get over it. Clements HAD GOOD COVERAGE on Smith. 99% of the coaches would love to have a corner that could stick that close to an opposition's #1 Pro Bowl receiver. He just didn't get his head around in time to react.


    Smith is a very good player. He made a great catch. Isn't anyone able to give him some credit? If it was Moulds or Evans making the same play then everyone would be singing their praises.



    Well, I just think you're oversimplifying it. Yes, Smith made a great play, I think we will all give him that. But let's face it, when I saw it Clements had time to see it coming, looked like he did see it coming, maybe got a little push from Smith that threw his timing off, but if you have that great of coverage on a guy, it shouldn't take a lot to bat it away. And that's all he had to do. Instead, he tried to make the catch, and in my mind that gave Smith a big opportunity to make the catch himself.


    Clements can be a very good cornerback, he just needs to learn how to use his head.

  11. No doubt J-Ville has a stout D...well an especially stout Run D, but we ran the Ball pretty well yesterday....anyway...


    I hate to oversimplify this thing because obviously there were other determining factors to the loss...But if we are going to bottom line the Offense in this Game the fact remains that 10 points at Home vs. any Defense is just not good enough. There are a million reasons, and a million excuses, but to me the net of the situation is we still have the exact same problem we had last year...We can't put the Ball in the Endzone with any frequency, and that is a MAJOR concern... :doh:



    I agree with you for the most part, but let's face it: this Buffalo team has yet to find themselves offensively, and starting off against one of the stronger defenses in the league is a real challenge, especially this early in the season. There will definitely be games where the offense fails to score more than 10 points, particularly against strong defenses. Is that good enough to win? Not usually, but when you defense is this good, it can be. Should we be able to score more than 10 against anybody? I sure hope we could, but at this point (in the season and in the development of this offense) that might be asking a bit too much.


    I'm expecting more from this offense later in the season, so we'll have to see.

  12. Let's not forget if Clements doesn't go after the ball earlier in the game and get the pick we most likley not had the lead at the point in the game either. oYu can't have it two ways, everyone I am sure applauds Nate for his INT in the first half that lead to the Moulds TD but will then dump on him for doing the same thing later in the game.



    Oh dude, those are such terribly different situations that it doesn't even compare. Who here is saying that Nate should swat the ball away at every opportunity? Nobody. We all want him to make the picks. But more than that, we want him to make the smart play. Intercepting the ball earlier in the game is the smart play. Swatting the ball away on 4th down with the game on the line is the smart play.


    This guy just doesn't use that pea-brain of his when it counts.

  13. Well, going only by last year's stats (since all we have are one game's worth this year), the Jax D is the highest rank of all of this year's opponents, at 6th.  The next best is New England at 7th.  It's not a stretch to give their defense credit.  It's where they were strong last year and what won them the 5 games they won...



    Exactly, that's what I'm smoking.

  14. the thing that really burns my ass on that play,  it was 4th freaking down.  Even if he gets the pick,  we have worse field position.  You are taught in Pop Warner,  on 4th down,  just knock the damn ball down.  This was part selfishness,  part stupidity all rolled into one.



    Yes, but I'm sure in Nate's mind was the fact that, if he gets the pick, then he gets better stats, better recognition, better chance of being on ESPN, and screw field position...he gets the chance to run it back for a TD!


    Burns me up.

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