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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Is this true?? I had never heard this before.
  2. Finally...the most sane post I've read here in a long time. So much better than all the inane chest-thumping and trash talking!
  3. What, McGahee being the #2 fantasy comeback player?
  4. The thing I'm looking forward to is Drew and the offensive line getting more and more comfortable with the offense as the year goes on. I think by week 5 we will see more effective line play and a more efficient offense.
  5. Details, details. Still, you can't argue with stats like that.
  6. UUUUUUUUUUUTES!! I know, I know...it's still fun, though #19 and counting!
  7. Pennington has 27 TDs and 0 ...yes zero...INTs over his entire career in the red zone. Damn, if only Bledsoe...never mind
  8. Just watching SportsCenter...haven't watched it in a while...but is Scott's left eye getting worse? Looks like it's barely even open. By the way, Eric Moulds named #5 fantasy comeback player this year...McGahee at #2!
  9. The reaper? Man, I don't like Pucillo's play, but can't say I would wish that on him...
  10. I'll be happy when I see it happen in the regular season once the stevestojan hits the fan and we really need a score...
  11. Yeah, you're both right, I should probably leave Saturday, but it seems like such a waste getting there a full 24 hours before I really need to be there. The difference in airfare, surprisingly enough, is pretty minimal. With the wife being out of town then, I guess it makes sense to leave earlier.
  12. Found out I need to go to a conference in Atlanta the weekend of the huge Phins game at home...the conference starts Sunday night at around 6pm, so I need to be there for that. Problem is, I'm going from Salt Lake City to Atlanta, and the two-hour difference creates a challenge. Do I: 1. Take the flight out of SLC Sunday morning at 6 freaking AM, so I can get into Atlanta by 11:30, with a little time to spare to get to a Bills bar in Atlanta 2. Take the 7:40AM flight out of SLC and arrive right around 1PM, so I'll probably miss the first half 3. Leave Saturday afternoon and blow my whole weekend, but be in Atlanta for an extra half day just so I can be available to find a Bills bar to see the whole damn game Wife doesn't care, she'll be out of town that weekend anyway. Anybody know a good Bills bar in Atlanta? The conference is at the Grand Hyatt Buckhead, whatever or wherever the hell that is. Thanks brethren.
  13. All I can say is this: Last year, we really stunk. Bad. That team was painful to watch sometimes, maybe even most of the time. Sure the defense was pretty good, but the lack of turnovers was really pathetic, and really hurt us. The offense and special teams were dismal. Yet, as bad we were, we still managed 6-10. A few balls bouncing the other way and it's easily 8-8. I just refuse to believe we will be as damn awful as we were last year. And we won't be. The offense WILL be better. The defense WILL get more turnovers. The special teams WILL improve, at least some. There is reason to be hopeful, that is for sure. How hopeful, me not know.
  14. Damn, that almost brought a tear to my eye. Be safe, stevestojan head!
  15. I'm not sure, but my feeling is that one of those two (Pucillo or Sullivan) will stick. I don't think you can overstate the importance of having a backup OL who can come in at the drop of a hat. The real question is: has McFarland done well enough to earn a roster spot, or is he PS material? My guess is the latter. I think we will keep 9 linemen and the backups will be Price, Sobieski, Tucker, and Sullivan (since Sully can play either guard or tackle).
  16. It's a tough choice, for certain. It looks like we'll be keeping 5 tackles and 4 ends. Ritzmann is just not ready for prime time, it seems, so that leaves the competition between Gildon and McKenzie. I haven't seen much of preseason play so far, so it's hard for me to comment. But I do think, unless McKenzie has really risen above Gildon, that Gildon has the edge since he can play two positions.
  17. He has many books...I remember reading one some 10-15 years ago, and laughing so hard I was crying.
  18. When the Dolphins sign a defensive end that even the Buffalo Bills cut, that's saying something.
  19. Predicting the final 15 is proving to be really hard for me. I went through the roster and I could come up with only 6 that, for certain, will be released: Jasen Esposito Greg Zolman Drew Haddad Constantin Ritzmann Lauvale Sape Gerald Dixon That leaves 9 others that need to be released. I came up with this list of 11 potentials: Jonathan Smith Dylan McFarland Mike Pucillo Marques Sullivan Rod Trafford Joe Burns Ken Simonton Jason Gildon Mario Haggan Jabari Greer Pierson Prioleau But many of those are questionable. Trafford has apparently been playing well, but I see no way we release Euhus even if it's to put him on the PS. That would be for Trafford, I think. And I haven't seen enough of Haggan to know for sure if his time has come. I don't think we get rid of both Pucillo and Sullivan; we still need to keep bodies around for the inevitable injuries. My guess is Pucillo gets the boot since Sullivan can also play Guard if he has to. And who knows, maybe we end up keeping Joe Burns and ditch both Ken Simonton and Shaud Williams since Burns can play both FB and HB (although I doubt that will happen). As for Gildon, I haven't seen enough to know about him, but it doesn't sound like he will stick. Then again, maybe the coaches will keep him over Stamer, since Gildon can play both LB and DE? But a lot of this depends on what happens with Travis Brown and Lawyer Milloy. I agree with others here that, if Matthews looks decent and picks up the offense quickly, Brown should be cut. There is just no way to justify the extra roster spot. Is IR really an option after the team already said his injury is only a 4-6 week thing? As for Milloy, if he can be ready enough to play in the first or second week, then we don't need to keep Prioleau around, but if not, then we would need him for depth until Milloy comes back. It makes the final cuts very difficult to predict.
  20. You're right. What were our coaches and GM thinking? Can't they see real talent when it's right in front of them?
  21. Ugh...this started out so promising, and then....
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