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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Thanks for the link, I appreciate it.
  2. With a score like that, I'm sure somebody in Vegas would have made a crapload of dough.
  3. I think you're right, I remember hearing that Indy and Arizona are probably getting new stadium deals, so a move by them is less likely. I dont know about San Diego, though. I had thought Minnesota was in the same situation, but I did just hear about a possibility that Emmett Smith was thinking of joining an Arizona group looking to make a bid for the Vikes. I guess I could see that group buying the Vikes and moving them to nearby L.A. Losing the NFL in Minnesota would really suck, though. I forgot about New Orleans, and I could really see that as a possibility as well. Unforunately, I do still see Buffalo as the possible third team with Minnesota and New Orleans, particularly given the lease situation.
  4. I wonder which three teams would seriously be considered. My guess is that Indy is no longer an option, and probably the same with Minnesota. If there is one team that makes the most sense, it would be Arizona. I don't know what the situation is with their stadium, but the team wouldn't even have to switch divisions to be in the "correct" one. That team has such pathetic support as well. If Buffalo is even seriously considered, it would be such a travesty simply because the team has such great fan support, and that would really just be crapping all over the fans solely in the interest of the mighty buck.
  5. This is, perhaps, one of the best posts I have read on PPP, period. I'm a Democrat, and I agree completely.
  6. Yeah, my main concern is that my house was built in 1921. Used to have all knob-and-tube wiring, but the majority of it has been replaced. That should be good news, since most of the wiring is relatively new, but it still gives me the heebie-jeebies. Is that in any way related to a conjunction junction device? Thanks for the advice...I'll always be worried about the wiring.
  7. I've been thinking about delving into this, mostly for controlling lights and things. But I've always been hampered by this (probably irrational) fear of using light controllers and the risk of fire. Is this fear real or completely outdated?
  8. I sent one to Fezmid a couple of days ago and haven't heard back. I don't want to speculate on the reasons for that, but it does make me wonder since he's been quick about it before...
  9. That is one hell of a story. I'm glad someone started this thread just so I could hear that!
  10. I was at that game. God, of all the ones to go to, I had to get tickets to that one?
  11. Same here...he recommended Canidae so we switched. Pups seem to be loving it.
  12. Believe me....it's all just a front....
  13. Bobby Chandler was, and always will be, my favorite Bill.
  14. Finally, we're getting there, but thanks for making my point. Where we disagree is that my argument is this: While you said Maybe we disagree, but I don't think that a slim majority means that his values now represent the values of the entire country. You apparently think so, I don't. This was the simple argument that I started with.
  15. Hardly. You don't really seem to be responding to what I'm arguing here. You just keep coming back to the "majority" thing. This started because someone expressed their joy that we finally have a president that represents the entire country. I'm pointing out that that is, quite obviously, not the case. Perhaps if I ever tried to argue that the Democrats are not a minority, your argument might actually hold some weight. Don't recall ever doing that. Perhaps if I ever tried to argue that I'm not being listened to, that argument might actually hold some weight. Don't recall ever doing that, either. Never really argued this point, so I'm not sure if this requires any response. I think I'll just go back to the "Is JP ready yet?" threads, as I'll probably get just as much intelligent discourse.
  16. I fail to see how exactly I brought that up. I never mentioned anything about the most recent President, or any other President for that matter. I'm just talking about this President, and that's all that is really relevant. "At least this president got a majority." I don't really see how that's much of an argument. A majority, particularly a slim one, means nothing more than one thing: more than half the people who voted, voted for the guy. I don't see how it's any different than if the final tally showed Bush winning with 49.99% of the vote, or anything less. You might as well just say "at least my candidate was bigger than yours." I was hoping you could do more than just fall back on the typical "whining" label, but I guess it gives you and all the others some sort of warm fuzzy feeling of baseless superiority, so knock yourself out. It's always the easier thing to do, like calling Kordell Stewart or Tom Brady "gay" for no particular reason other than it feels good. Which is probably the reason everyone keeps repeating the "mandate" thing over and over, it feels good and who knows, maybe if we keep repeating it enough the other half of the country will just submissively give in to the idea that Bush and his ideas are what everyone in this country wants anyway...
  17. Has everyone forgotten the embarassment in Minneapolis already?
  18. How could that possibly be real when her left hand is sticking out from the net as she goes through? That would mean her arm is going through part of the net and her whole arm would snap back as she went through. Plus, she should smack her head on the rim. Although she rubs her head like she did, if she really hit it at that angle her head should snap forward.
  19. Who cares what the previous president did? What does this have to do with him? And what does having a majority have to do with the argument?
  20. I'll be the first to admit the Democratic party really screwed the pooch big time, but I'm getting really tired of this ridiculous argument that Bush somehow now represents the values of this entire country. Yes, Joe will happily point out that he won a true majority. That doesn't really apply to the issue, however. It just means that, of all the people who voted, the majority preferred Bush. Last I checked, it was a fairly slim majority. There is a large faction of our society that has a strong distaste for this President. Almost half didn't want him as President. And almost half don't think he's doing a very good job. And this somehow equates to representing the entire country? Blather all you want in this conservative Republican circle-jerk called PPP about our beloved Bush, but let's face it, you're living in your own reality if you think all of America believes in him. While he may have the everlasting puppy love of many conservatives, he is just as equally despised by a huge portion of this country.
  21. Damn. I worked the Olympics here in Salt Lake and I never got any action like that! Maybe I should move...
  22. Hell, if they're that gullible, why not ask for their 2nd as well?
  23. You can say that again. That kid did nothing except make great plays. Throw the ball his way a little more and this offense really opens up.
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