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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Sorry, rules are that any player who voluntarily gives themselves up (eg, by taking a knee) officially ends the play.
  2. They deserve to lose with this unbelievably bad clock management...
  3. I have to say, I'm not terribly impressed with the quality of the commercials so far...
  4. Speaking of 24, did anyone know that Keifer Sutherland is actually a GRANDfather?
  5. Does anyone know why anyone would think getting Gladys Knight for a commerical would be a good idea, much less for a million-dollar commerical?? In other news, I love seeing Brady get sacked.
  6. "She's Sharon alright!" Another thumbs up for Bud Light...
  7. Where the crowd (on both sides) really sounds jacked up. Sure makes it a much more interesting game this way.
  8. You know, actually, I kinda liked that movie too. I'm just not sure I'd admit it anywhere else but here! By the way, I am now officially proud of using GoDaddy.com to register my domain!
  9. Oh come on, it couldn't be any worse than Kindergarten Cop!
  10. That Bud Light commerical with the sky divers was pretty funny. I totally didn't expect the pilot to jump ship....
  11. Perhaps you should ask for a 'logical' multi-sentence explanation...might get more meaningful results that way
  12. I have an Onkyo TX-8511 receiver and I'm also wondering the best way to hook up four sets of speakers to it. Basically, it has the two speaker ports and I'm wondering if it's a bad idea to hook all four to one port through the use of one of those 4-port speaker switches. I'm just not sure what other way to do it...
  13. Correct, just looking for some good quality speakers with nice sound. Thanks for the ideas...
  14. I'm looking to put some in-ceiling speakers in my dining area, and it's tough to find good information on those since there are much fewer to choose from. I know there are a lot of audiophiles around here, so I was hoping someone had some experience with these. I'm not looking to drop a load on them, but I'm looking for good quality...
  15. Both my dogs gobble Canidae up with a little chicken broth added. We buy a 40 lb bag each time, and we don't seem to be paying much more than we did for the "cheap" stuff.
  16. Was just reading about Tagliabue's comments on the talks regarding the new collective bargaining agreement (on ESPN.com), and it sounds like Gene Upshaw and the players want to share more of the local revenues. Seems they want things like revenues from local television and radio contracts, stadium club seating and luxury suites included in salary cap calculations. I'm not too good with the accounting issues, but if this flies it sounds like this could be a real benefit for smaller markets like Buffalo. We really lose out on these kinds of revenues compared with larger cities, so any inclusion of these in the salary cap calculations would help us out, at least I think...
  17. Ah, I see. I'm not sure if the rules stipulate how far behind the line of scrimmage you need to spot the ball, but the official distance is recorded from wherever it is the ball is spotted. So, apparently, Norwood liked his kicks spotted 8 yards back.
  18. I don't quite understand what the confusion is. The ball was at the 29. Teams spot the ball either 7 or 8 yards behind the line of scrimmage (I thought it was usually 8 now), and you add 10 for the end zone, like you said. 29 + 8 + 10 = 47. Am I missing something?
  19. I agree, I liked DS9 once the Dominion War started, but I never did see the series finale. I didn't watch Voyager except for a handful of times, but I heard the series finale of that was pretty good, and I missed that one too. Anyone know where or how I can catch the finale of either of these?
  20. I thought it was going to be goofy, but it was really funny. That pregnancy test scene was freaking hilarious!
  21. I wonder if a Buffalo home game in Toronto isn't just another way of regionalizing support for the Bills, which would then just open the door in the future for a move from Buffalo to Toronto. Perhaps their thinking is that Buffalo and Toronto are close enough that Bills fans would still be willing and able to support the team. At the same time, it would allow to team to exist in a city which would be more likely to sell out the luxury suites. A bunch of crap, if you ask me.
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