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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. There are different kinds of stroke, as well as many different factors that can cause a stroke. Without knowing any details, it's impossible to say what effect this will have on his career. My impression from the little I have heard is that he may have had a small aneurysm that popped and bled, causing a small stroke.
  2. I'm not sure how you see that as an attempt to bring meanness into this thread, it was a simple question. The only thing I've been "overwhelmed" with on this board is the lack of the kindness, understanding, respect, and acceptance you are now espousing toward gay people, particularly those who are looking to get married. No attack here, just trying to see if you really practice what you preach.
  3. I'll be happy with Wiggins but only if we can call him "Chief".
  4. Does that apply even if they are gay and want to get married?
  5. I thought we released Travis and he signed on as a backup QB with some other team?
  6. You're referring to a different play. The one where he tried to throw to Reed in the end zone, thinking he would draw a PI call. It was a terrible play in all aspects, not the least of which was his desire to draw a penalty.
  7. Bledsoe absolutely had no touch on the short passes, I've always felt that way. But those stats are, as pointed out, fairly meaningless. Our failure to execute a real screen pass stemmed from two things: Bledsoe's inability to throw the short touch pass, and the entire offense's inability to set one up. I'm not sure where the breakdown always was, but it sure seemed like every time we tried to execute a screen pass, the defense was all over it. The debacle in Baltimore is a good example. Bledsoe's throw sucked, but it was compounded by the fact that the entire Baltimore defense knew it was coming and was in position to make that play.
  8. So would this come before or after the daily "Democrats are retarded" post?
  9. I'm trying...I'm just having a tough time hitting the "play" button on the VCR...
  10. Personally, I think it was all about his inability to throw a screen pass in the vicinity of the receiver.
  11. Mike Pucillo. Oh wait, you mean a fan favorite in a good way?
  12. Do player stats decline as they get older, too?
  13. Crap, you're right. I was misreading your post. We were just timing things differently...
  14. Since when do plastic cups wear clothing? And I thought your home IS the bar?
  15. MORE SPOILERS below. 1. I also found that the lightbulb is unnecessary to the solution. 2. Keep the window below the catapult closed. 3. I didn't need a fourth stick figure. Once the "door" is opened at the bottom by the guy using the blue projectile, clicking him will cause the killer animal to drop out of the box. If you open the window underneath the catapult at the right moment, the figure inside will appear and slam the window shut, which will cause the white ceiling at the bottom to fall. If you time it right, it will fall on the killer animal, allowing the figure at the bottom to enter the abode and light the torch.
  16. Wow. Never played it myself, but it sounds like a real kick.
  17. At least he didn't throw a crapper to Troy Frigging Brown.
  18. Not to mention the crappy teams we were playing.
  19. Huh. I always thought the "gay" avalanche was reserved for the QBs of other teams that keep beating us. Or the ones that cry.
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