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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I thought about it... ...then realized I should probably listen to that little voice inside my head (at least for now). Besides, I spend too much time here as it is....
  2. Kinda makes me wish we could have gotten something for him in a trade, but oh well...
  3. An excellent question, I must say. Unfortunately, I really really think we don't want to go there. At least not on a message board... Perhaps over a few beers at one of the tailgates this year....
  4. I think this pretty much says everything we need to know. Have a swell day.
  5. Assigning a broad prejudice? Please, explain to me how it is broad. Did I: - conclude that everyone on this board is unkind, inconsiderate, disrespectful, and unaccepting in general? - conclude that everyone on this board is this way toward gay people? Not that I can see. I referred to a particular subset of people here, and specifically to one issue, the narrow issue, the attitudes toward gay people. Your interpretation of anything beyond this is an extrapolation of your own doing. Yes, you do fail the litmus test, thank you for pointing that out. And with a rehash of the same old tired arguments as well. To think I had hoped people had risen above this. No, I don’t know how people on this board interact with gay people on a day-to-day basis. But from many of the remarks and comments I see here, it doesn’t really matter one way or the other. Gays and lesbians are frequently degraded here and elsewhere, sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes in not-so-subtle ways. Kindness is revealed not just in one’s actions, but also in one’s capacity. It can be a considerate, caring act, or it can be the capability of being sympathetic and compassionate. Is everyone here unkind toward gays? Of course not, nor did I ever say that. But it’s not a stretch to say that I don’t need to witness everyone’s daily actions toward gays to know that many here are unkind toward gays, particularly in their capacity for sympathy and compassion. And that leaves out the whole argument about considerate acts in the absence of any true sympathy or compassion. Like the white lady said in "The Color Purple" as she freaks out trying to drive after dropping off Oprah Winfrey's character: "I've always been kind to you people!" Your comments regarding understanding and respect are so completely juvenile they are almost shameful. Again, understanding is more than just your narrow interpretation of it. To understanding something isn’t always just to know it empirically; it is also a sympathetic, empathetic, or tolerant recognition of somebody else’s nature or situation. Perhaps this is too complicated a concept for some, but to conclude that because you are not gay, you cannot understand what it is like to be gay, and to use this as a reason why we should not endeavor to empathize is nothing but a cowardly excuse. I can’t even bring myself to discuss your inane comments regarding respect. And then there is acceptance. At what level you ask? Perhaps we should be asking what your own personal definition of acceptance is. You “accept” gay people, just not entirely. You’re perfectly happy to work with them, to know them as acquaintances. But that’s where it ends, isn’t it? You don’t accept gay people, you endure their presence, probably as long as you don't think of them as "gay". As long as they don’t want to do certain things that you believe only non-gay people have a right to do, their existence is endurable. You are indeed part of the majority of people opposed to gay marriage. That, in and of itself, does not make a stance correct or justifiable. It is your indifference to the struggles of gay people that defines your position on this issue.
  6. I always thought the most remarkable thing about his punting style is that he never jumped off the ground when he punted. He had so much power in his kicking leg that his other leg just stayed there on the ground. Amazing.
  7. what? this coming from the only guy I know who can make sense out of the salary cap situation?
  8. Okay, smarty pants. Set C1 to equal: C1 = IF(A1>B1,LEFT(A1/B1,4)&":1","1:"&LEFT(B1/A1,4)) This should do it for you.
  9. Actually, if you want it to be nicer (sometimes you can get results like 3.03030303:1), you can change the formula for E1 to: E1 = IF(C1>D1,LEFT(C1,4)&":1","1:"&LEFT(D1,4)) This will effectively round fractions to two decimal places. You can change this, of course, by using a number other than 4.
  10. by the way, the IF statement is: IF (conditional statement, result if TRUE, result if FALSE)
  11. use the conditional IF statement. so if A1=50 and B1=100, then set C1=A1/B1 and D1=B1/A1 now set E1 = IF(C1>D1, C1 & ":1", "1:" & D1) This way it will check to see which is greater, and use either XXX:1 or 1:XXX.
  12. He does? I don't know the man, but just about everything I've read about him seems to paint him in a good light.
  13. I still don't get what purpose it serves to leak this story now, after Bledsoe is already gone? And if the coaches are the ones making the decision about who starts at QB, and they decided on JP, what does Wyche have to gain from this story getting out? The media plays no role in influencing who starts for us at QB.
  14. I think the really interesting thing about this is that none of us have any idea what will happen to our line if/when Shelton arrives. Based on MM/TD's comments earlier (other big changes should be coming to the offense), who knows? There are a number of possibilities. - Shelton could come in to play LG - Shelton could come in to replace JJ at LT - Shelton could come in to play RT, with MW moved to LT to replace JJ I highly doubt Shelton would be brought in to play LG, not at his salary. That would mean we would have a whole lotta coin tied up at RT and LG, and we'd still need a LT. If Shelton comes, I think that pretty much means JJ is gone. I just wonder what will happen with MW's huge contract. Makes me a little nervous. As injury-prone as JJ seems to be, at least we know we'd have a pretty decent LT. Not really sure what we'd be getting with Shelton.
  15. I used to brew my own a little while back. Stopped doing it, but I really should get back to it. Nothing like a little home brew!
  16. It's true, I can launch that sucker at least as good as Elway.
  17. Isn't Desperate Housewives on ABC on Sunday nights?
  18. Like it wouldn't have been wasted time if there was a song and dance at the end?
  19. Damn I really want to see this kid in action. How long until preseason???
  20. You know it's funny, I had this impression recently while watching the brief highlights of JP from preseason and the regular season...that he really does look like he could be Flutie with a real arm. I'm sure it's just seeing the #7 that made me think of that, but it sure would be fun if true.
  21. Presumably (if that is the cause) they will do tests to look for more. They're not always the best at detecting every little possible aneurysm, but they'll probably be able to identify any big, deadly honkers. Not sure how that will affect his decision to continue playing, however.
  22. Whoops, I mean, most people except for Darin.
  23. Really? I can't recall more than a handful of times I've ever participated in such discussions on PPP. I'm not really sure what constitutes "obsessive" to you, although if it's what it seems to be, then I suppose most people here are "obsessive" and "overwhelmed" about a great many things in this world.
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