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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Alvin Harper should have topped that list, much less made it. That's a real oversight. Too bad RJ wasn't a FA acquisition, then he could take his rightful place as well...
  2. I hear Todd Collins might be available....
  3. I would hope any backup QB would be that kind of backup....
  4. Doesn't this belong in that "worst 3 words" thread??
  5. We used to live across the street from the family. I grew up with his kid, Tom Jr. He was going to be a good running back until he tore up his knee. Damn, he's a funny guy, too. He used to have a picture of his dad sacking Joe Namath on his bedroom wall. Now that's something not every kid has! Too bad about his dad.
  6. But that can't be...I mean, everybody here knows TD has an ego the size of Texas...
  7. dude, where the hell did you hear that from? I remember my friends and I tossed that phrase around as teens to gross each other out. I have no idea where it came from and I've never heard anyone else use it.
  8. Absolutely not. The one thing that I would fear is if they finally up and leave, and then manage to win a Super Bowl. That would suck. But, since that already happened to Cleveland, it wouldn't be quite as bad.
  9. The only way we bring anyone in to be a 3rd WR is if he comes cheap. If Bradford comes cheap, I don't mind seeing if he can win the 3rd spot. Hell, whoever it is, if they come cheap, I'd be happy to see if they can win the spot.
  10. True, but two years from now we may be asking ourselves how much do Fletcher and Adams have left in the tank, and will they be worth relatively large contracts as well? A lot of that will depend on who we have backing them up, and whether or not those people are anywhere near taking over the job. Also depends largely on if this Law rumor is true. If we sign Law, and he demonstrates the ability to get over this injury, that would probably mean the end of Clements here.
  11. It's from a picture of our President's Best Friend, I think from Yahoo or something.
  12. You're damn right, just because I ain't on staff doesn't mean I'm not as good as any of these schmoes at evaluating talent. And just how would you suggest keeping Mike Williams at RT and out of sight of our new LT? At least with my plan, we wouldn't have to worry about Mike's phat contract OR any further teammate meals.
  13. I really like Carnivale, but one of the things that disappoints me a bit is the fact that everything in the plot is leading toward a final conflict, yet it is taking absolutely forever to reach it. Obviously, the writers don't want us to reach the end game too quickly or the series ends too fast, but there are just too many episodes where the plot gets us nowhere closer to that final conflict and I'm left thinking the episode, while entertaining, was just "filler" to extend the series longer.
  14. First of all, if he was playing left tackle, he would eat Schobel, not Kelsay. Kelsay would be lined up over Mike Williams, which is not to say Williams wouldn't eat Kelsay anyway. In fact, I'm a bit surprised it hasn't happened yet. Secondly, the croc would eat Mike Williams because he's a croc, for crying out loud. He doesn't give a rat's ass about offense or defense, just who looks like the biggest appetizer. Sheesh.
  15. Yes, but if he comes in and eats Mike Williams, we won't have to worry about his cap figure anymore. Plus, I doubt the croc would want to eat anyone else, ever.
  16. TD is just waiting patiently for the Cards to just say "OK". I think the Cards were hoping TD would pull the trigger early when he heard the Bears were interested as well, jacking the price up. Sounds like TD may have called the bluff.
  17. Come on, they're African kids. Who cares about them, they're not American. Now the Americans, all of them with AIDS are just perverts of one kind or another, so eff them, too.
  18. When did the Pats have a helmet as part of their logo? The old Patriot dude ready to hike the ball, IIRC, was wearing one of those old-fashioned hats from the 1700s. Was there another logo?
  19. Not bad. Not bad at all. I know Dougie would be proud...
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