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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. That was TOO fricken funny BTW, nice avatar...just saw the flick this past weekend. Awesome.
  2. I think they should just rename the team from the Cardinals to the Popes. You know, to commemorate the new...ah, never mind.
  3. Can you still get those old-style jerseys with a custom name and number? I'd love to get a Chandler jersey.
  4. Personally, I find it hard to believe that either of them is attempting to lay claim to it at all.
  5. I still give that one to Ryan Denney. After all, he moved up to get him.
  6. "Classic" going all the way back to 1993? Man, I'm getting old. When I saw that, I was hoping to see some games from the early '70s.
  7. Facts?! Where the hell did you see those?
  8. And we want this guy as our kicker??!?
  9. I'm hoping we can find a few more Tuckers for our O-line. We could have some fun with that.
  10. Well put, and a good statement of the real issue, I would say. Nevertheless, I was not contradicting that, at least not that I could tell. I did not state (or, at least in my mind, intend to imply) that Republicans were the cause of big government. My intention was merely to reflect on the fact that Republicans have traditionally been anti-big government, and to a large degree continue to sell themselves as such, when the reality is that current Republicans practice almost nothing that would suggest this. I don't really see how stating this clouds the issue. It's already a given, to some extent, that Democrats would be expected to behave this way. I guess it just reinforces the fact that it's true for anyone, despite any claims to the contrary.
  11. I've said it before and I'll say it again... Obesity isn't this nation's worst epidemic. It's stupidity.
  12. *Sigh* Not exactly what I was implying, as this is pretty well known. Never mind. I'll just chalk this one up to the communication shortcomings intrinsic to message boards.
  13. Damn you boys are touchy these days. Can't a guy just comment on how Republicans have traditionally been against big government, yet while in power now (and enjoying quite the majority) have been doing a splendid job of abandoning those traditions? No, let's make it a partisan issue. More opportunity to be confrontational, I guess...
  14. True, but come on AD, it's at least as bad on the other side of things.
  15. Less proven. Well, I suppose that only playing one year versus 7 or 8 qualifies as less proven, but it's not like the guy didn't just win the Super Bowl or anything. Hardly an equivalent comparison. Had WM ever touched the ball even once for a single carry in a real game prior to the draft, then you may be getting a little closer. Had WM proven that he can carry the ball for even one complete game, then perhaps. It's more like, had WM carried the load as a starter to show that not only can his knee survive, but that he can be a successful starting RB in the NFL, then you're right about near the same comparison. Oh wait, that's where we are right now. Not last year.
  16. I think the second question was the best one. I wonder who it was from?
  17. It's a brutal schedule after the bye, so hopefully we'll have something to build on going into the off week.
  18. I have the feeling this is the kind of post that other fans will see and post a link to under the title "Get a load of the Bills fans" It would be sweet, but I'll be keeping my expectations a tad lower.
  19. Careful, someone might see that and call you French.
  20. By the same guy who wrote "Into Thin Air"...
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