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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. By the way, I finally saw the movie last night and I just have one thing to say: All the snazzy CGI in the world can't hide George Lucas's horrific dialogue writing.
  2. I just don't get it. Does JJ really need that much more money?
  3. He bought it for $40 grand. Just because he only paid half of it up front doesn't mean he gets out of the other half. I am so sick of stupid people.
  4. Including what they might wear if they make it to the big game?
  5. While that would be great, it won't happen. Too much marketing went into the new duds.
  6. I say we start a petition to make them wear the retro jerseys and helmets for the big game. How awesome would that be? Who's with me?
  7. Whatever happened to that BYU kicker, Payne?
  8. I don't recall it ever getting into the 50's... My recollection, at least during the Super Bowl years, is that we were in the mid to upper 40's. So I'm pleasantly surprised to see 43K now.
  9. Season tix since 1975. Moved away in 1989. I try to make it up for one game a year, but it can be tough some years. It'll probably be easier for me to go to the San Diego game this year, but I'll still try to swing a trip to the Ralph.
  10. Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. Our last day of clinic is tomorrow and we're all exhausted. We've probably seen somewhere around 2000 patients over around 8 days. Mentally, it's very taxing. It's nice to have the internet available, especially to be able to keep tabs on everyone here while I'm so far away, but don't be fooled. Internet access is easy and relatively cheap, all things considered. It is still the poorest place in the western hemisphere and it shows. Will things get better? Who knows. For those interested, I'm here with a group called the Friends of the Children of Haiti, which is a Catholic-oriented group based out of Illinois, although religion is not a focus of the mission (I'm not Catholic, either). But everyone working here is great, it's a lot of fun, and hopefully we'll be able to do this again. The clinic is open four times a year and the goal is to eventually have it open continuously. Thanks again...I will (hopefully) be home in a couple of days. BTW, I did see a patient here wearing an old Thurman Thomas Pro Bowl jersey. Yeah, baby!
  11. Hey everybody... I am in a small rural town in Haiti right now (Cyvadier, which is just outside Jacmel in the south) working in a clinic for two weeks. We're providing what we can for health care for the people here, which is very little given what we're used to, but much more than they could hope for. It's an amazing experience. Believe it or not, there is actually internet access here. Internet access is, interestingly, more reliable than phone service, given that it's satellite-based. It's quite an odd experience driving along the roads here and seeing one broken down shack after another, but dotted with the occasional "cyber-cafe". VoIP is probably more useful to the people here than regular phone lines. How odd is that. In any case, just wanted you all to know that even in rural Haiti, you can still check up on the Bills once in a while, as long as the internet service is still working! I'll be back in just under a week. Till then, Go Bills!
  12. Darin, Which is worse, Mac-heads who smugly yet blindly carry the torch of superiority, or the acne-laden PC-weenies who feel so insecure as a result? Many thanks, Rubes
  13. True, although not all of their games are at home.
  14. My condolences. I know it will be extremely hard for me when my two are no longer with us.
  15. Posted this in another thread but thought I'd put it up by itself just in case. LAMP! This is the guy I've been calling for for months. I've watched this guy play, and he is a potential gamer. He can hit kicks fairly consistently from beyond 40 yards, and has made plenty from beyond 50. He is big (6'4", 230 lbs) and like to lay a few big hits on return men. He has missed a few key kicks, but one upside is that he is both a kicker and a punter. He's actually a damn good punter. Would be good insurance is Moorman gets injured. Here are a few good articles on him. The first one is nice: Linky 1 Linky 2 Linky 3 Personally, I'd love to see this guy get a contract with us.
  16. I agree, my guess is that they are going to try to arrange it for a game against an old AFL team. What about the Sunday night game against the Pats in their old unis?
  17. The real question is, will the throwback jerseys also include a throwback helmet? And none of that white-on-red helmet crap.
  18. Anyone catch the name of the image in the URL?
  19. DUDE!!! This is the guy I've been calling for for months. I've watched this guy play, and he is a potential gamer. He can hit kicks fairly consistently from beyond 40 yards, and has made plenty from beyond 50. He is big (6'4", 230 lbs) and like to lay a few big hits on return men. He has missed a few key kicks, but one upside is that he is both a kicker and a punter. He's actually a damn good punter. Would be good insurance is Moorman gets injured. Here are a few good articles on him. The first one is nice: Linky 1 Linky 2 Linky 3
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