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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. He said ridiculous, not hysterical.
  2. Dude, this is way better than drugs. Thanks!
  3. Probably not that...just people making podcasts are probably the small population.
  4. I don't even know how to thank you enough.
  5. I believe it has morphed into the "struggle against global extremism." Not war...struggle.
  6. Damn, for a guy with over 20,000 posts I'd have thought you'd be beyond such things.
  7. Wow, I'm touched. Hakuna rettata!
  8. Come on, he's a surgeon. I wouldn't expect much more. His public stance on the Shiavo case was laughable.
  9. two words... creamed corn
  10. Actually, this was the most promising this I got from the article. If McNally is really that confident that Preston could potentially step in at C, then he's probably pretty damn good. Which also means good things for next season when Teague's contract is up.
  11. Man, this guy is sharp!
  12. Gotta love Utah, baby.
  13. Can someone with a better knowledge of law than me tell me what law was being broken by this?
  14. 'Course, they could just make sure everybody washed their hands, but that's asking too much I guess.
  15. Kirk Roach...ah, the memories come flooding back.
  16. Why not tell him? If he's that close of a buddy, he'll understand that it's a financial hardship for you and others, and maybe he'll offer to help out. Personally, I think the whole wedding thing is ridiculous, at least with regards to the wedding party. There are so many expectations placed on these people at the whim of the bride and groom it's ridiculous, particularly when you consider how much money most of those expectations cost. Your friend has decided to have one of the most expensive wedding options for those in the wedding party, which to me is asking more than a person should. If it's that important to them, they should offer to help out with the costs. If not, tell him you're sorry but it's just too expensive.
  17. Not that I'm criticizing or anything, and I do understand the circumstances, but I found these quotes from this article kinda interesting...
  18. Six-Year Deal with 49ers Hopefully we'll see everybody else falling in line now... EDIT: Oh, and by the way, looks like the Pats have all 7 draft picks signed now. Sigh.
  19. Do people really need to be told to NOT see this movie?
  20. Good luck. We're all hoping for the best.
  21. And they actually waived somebody to get him, too I just hope they're not expecting much.
  22. I think it's great that everybody here is trying to help, but try not to misguide him with your own diagnoses. Whatever it may "sound like", we have no idea what he has. This certainly does not sound like typical West Nile Fever, which in most people is a very mild, non-specific flu-like illness without shaking chills, severe sore throat, and significant weight loss. More severe forms of WNV have more neurological symptoms, which he hasn't really described. Here is some info for those who are interested. Even if it does turn out to be WNV, no need to freak him out like this. He just needs to get to a doctor. And please don't mention malaria unless the guy has been out of the country to a malaria-endemic area.
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