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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Oh well, then. The only thing that truly cheapens your marriage is your own personal perspective on it. Don't worry. People eventually got over the outrage of interracial marriage, and this too shall pass. Thankfully. And I like the "I don't really practice religion or go to church, but now I really don't have a reason to" excuse.
  2. Oh now there's a generalization I'm sure everyone will agree with.
  3. Looks like I have the '88 and '90 team highlight videos, but not the '89. Used to have it, but somebod taped over it. Argh.
  4. I have a problem with the NFL's overtime. The problem is that they still allow ties. There should never, ever be a tie in the NFL. If they're tied after an overtime period, do it again. And again, if necessary. Make those guys collapse before ending it in a tie. Ties suck. Ties serve no purpose but to confuse people and make possible playoff scenarios four pages long. I hate ties.
  5. I get the feeling Gonzales will get the nod from Bush to replace O'Conner because he's probably the most moderate of the ones he would consider. He'll probably wait for Rehnquist to retire to nominate someone more hardline conservative. As for Gavin, I'm not sure I recognize the country he's living in...
  6. An excellent idea. I'll take a peek at what I have at home and see how feasible this is. Could be an awesome DVD. I'll let you know when I do. Think anybody would have any legal problems with this?
  7. I have the 88 and 89 versions, too. Those were AWESOME. Thanks for reminding me...would people like to see those? Could easily get them both onto one DVD...as well as the '90 version, although I don't think I have that one.
  8. I've got it, too, and I can convert it for him to DVD so he can focus on other projects if he wants. But only if people really want it. I mean, I haven't had the nads to pop it in the VCR even once in the last fifteen years, and I can't see myself wanting to anytime soon.
  9. I still haven't done anything about SB XXV...you think people are really interested in this one?
  10. I have heard orthopedic surgeons say that shoulder reconstruction is a lot tougher for QBs to come back from than knee reconstructions are for other players. It just takes a longer time to get their strength and accuracy back, if they get it all the way back at all.
  11. When I hear what comes out of pro athlete's mouths these days, and think about how much money they rake in, it makes me believe just about anything is possible.
  12. And I thought I was feeling the hate from the Clayton thread...
  13. Absolutely, yes. Which is why people like me do research into ways of persuading doctors and other providers to prescribe antibiotics more judiciously. Unfortunately, there are a lot of barriers to overcome. It's easy to rag on doctors for over-prescribing antibiotics, and I do it all the time, but you have to keep in mind that the vast majority of the time there is no way to know if a particular illness is viral or bacterial. Most upper respiratory infections are viral and don't need antibiotics, but still in most cases there isn't a simple test to tell you if it's bacterial. And you can't tell just by signs and symptoms, even though a lot of docs (and patients) may try to convince you otherwise ("green snot" does not equal bacterial infection, for example). So often we try to convince docs that they don't need to prescribe an antibiotic, but what if that patient turns out to actually have a bacterial infection? Again, in most cases, it won't matter -- a lot of them will resolve even without antibiotics (otitis media being a good example). But a small minority of cases will not get better, and may get a lot worse. Would you want to be the doctor that didn't prescribe antibiotics for that sore throat that ended up developing into a potentially life-threatening retropharyngeal abscess? Psychologically, it would be very hard. Economically, it could be devastating. It's why we now have "defensive medicine", and we know who to thank for that.
  14. I agree, the best part of the speech was that it ended.
  15. Oh well, I guess he'll just have to make do with his other two.
  16. Who cares if it's accepted as mainstream. I think they'd settle for just "accepted". Unfortunately, "acceptance" isn't a word easily understood by many.
  17. First school EVER to have the top picks in the NFL and NBA drafts the same year. Woo hoo!
  18. For a minute there, I thought he was talking about me...
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