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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Those are great pics, thanks. Now I've finally got a face to put with Fezmid's name!
  2. Probably not if his girlfriend is going.... Although, then again...
  3. I'm there, with my uncle. I was able to get in on the San Diego Bills Backers Tailgate party, but I couldn't get tickets with them. I don't think it will be too much of a problem, as long as you don't mind where you sit or how much you pay.
  4. Good luck, bud. Muscle biopsy? I'm sure it will go fine.
  5. I have to admit, I didn't know who our announcers were when I turned the game on. I was horrified to realize that the color guy was Marv. Not good.
  6. Nobody said she's gonna sue, she just filed a complaint. Now, I'll be the first to admit that there are far too many docs out there who have no concept of common courtesy, but please. Just another symptom of what's wrong with this country. I said it before and I'll say it again. Obesity isn't the biggest epidemic in this country. It's stupidity.
  7. Oh relax, buddy, just giving ya a hard time!
  8. I think I realize it now... AKC = Jerry Sullivan
  9. Unless you're Jerry Sullivan, then it's easy to argue it!
  10. The thing about Williams that impresses me is that he was so involved in kick coverage. He's a pretty small guy, but he made at least two coverage tackles in the GB game.
  11. If it was a real game, maybe. Probably not in a preseason game. My main concerns on the TD drive were: 1. Failure to shut down the running game effectively 2. Failure to hold the Pack on 3rd down. The D did a decent job getting them into 3rd down situations, but they couldn't get off the field. Favre was able to find the open guy fairly easily, at least on two of those occasions. On one occasion, we actually did stop them, but Greer got a bad holding penalty to give them the first down. On the TD play, we actually had a pretty decent defensive call, but Posey proceeded to give his best impression of Eddie Robinson. He had Favre on the run, but Favre danced around and made him look pretty silly. Twice. But it's Favre, so what can you do. Were it a real game, I think we would make some good adjustments to stop the run, and make Favre beat us. Which he might, but I still like our chances.
  12. How disappointed everyone here would be if Drew manages to toss a TD or two without getting sacked.
  13. You think that's bad, you should spend some time over on the PPP board.
  14. Good point...hadn't thought of that. The base, vanilla defense is completely disruptive. Certainly does bring a smile to the face. Could also be a nice indication how comfortable these guys now are with Jerry's defense.
  15. Good point, I guess. Especially considering practically the entire defense and defensive staff are returning from last year.
  16. I agree with you on that laser that shot from his arm in the first half. I couldn't believe how fast he got rid of the ball, or how fast it shot down the field. Impressive. My impression of him from that game is that he just seemed a little too jacked up. At least at first. One thing I noted is that, on the first few drives, many of his throws involved pump fakes, play actions, roll outs, or some other motion to initially distract the defense. On those plays, he really seemed too anxious. Later in the half, they just had him do mostly straight drop backs, and he appeared much more comfortable. My thought is that they should just let this kid get comfortable in the pocket before making him do all those little trick-play thingies. Which I think will be very effective, but I'd slow it down a bit right now.
  17. Anyone else a little uneasy at the amount of blitzing we've done so far? I mean, I realize the purpose of the preseason is to practice what you're going to be doing, but I would also think we'd try to keep things fairly vanilla until the season starts. Doesn't sound like it's been very vanilla.
  18. They just did a story on Bledsoe coming to Buffalo right before that. Shame it never worked out, it realy would have made a great story. Oh well.
  19. Especially if they took their pants off to feel more comfortable while doing so.
  20. Uh, how exactly would TIVO have prevented this?
  21. So I was away on vacation this past week and just got back today. Set the VCR to record the Bills-Colts game, only to find out the entire second quarter is replaced with Rich Eisen's ugly mug and the frigging Jacksonvill Jaguars "live camp" update. WTF? So then as I'm figuring this out I have the NFL Network on in the background today and, well, looky there, the Bills-Colts game is on again. In it's entirety. But it's not on the schedule...it's supposed to be "Inside Training Camp: Colts". I guess this is better than a training camp update for them. WTF? BTW...looking at the schedule....tonight at 6pm eastern: "6 p.m. -- NFL Films Presents Explores the depth of the NFL Films archive with unique perspectives on football's greatest heroes and personalities as well as its history, humanity and humor. Buffalo Blues stories include: Bledsoe, Buffalo, Kalsu, Birth of the AFL." Looks like some decent Buffalo stuff.
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