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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Somehow this is Clinton's fault. I know it.
  2. Interesting...maybe cities should bid for becoming the host city for the Hornets for the next season, and the winner's funds get put towards rebuilding New Orleans.
  3. Nah, but it makes for a good sound bite.
  4. For those interested, my hospital is trying to arrange for this kind of thing as well. The official memo started out like this: So, the idea is that the federal goverment is setting up medical shelters, most likely in safer areas, and presumably with adequate protection. I'm thinking about it as well, although I'm not an ER-type doc. I think it would be fine, personally.
  5. Gack! You're right. I'm doubly glad I wasn't planning on going this year.
  6. Ack...DC was such a lousy place to have that conference. I hope I don't have to go back there again. It's a huge conference, though...can't imagine what they're going to do at this point. But as mentioned, they do have some experience from previous years...
  7. I go to that conference roughly every other year. I went to it last year in D.C. This is way too early for people to be showing up for that.
  8. Lenny P. said on the radio this AM that Peerless has been disappointed at the lack of interest he's drawn so far, although I'm sure he'll find a home soon. One thing he did say is that Philly doesn't appear to be interested...they are apparently interested in a different guy that was released (not Warrick though...don't remember who).
  9. I'm reasonably certain that next year will finally be the year that Josh Reed finally steps up and fills in at the #2 WR spot.
  10. Bats can be very dangerous. They are the only animal that can possibly transmit rabies without evidence of a bite. Any physical contact with bats is now generally considered enough of an exposure to warrant rabies vaccination. Or did he catch a baseball bat...?
  11. This one still has me puzzled. Van? We hardly knew ye. Welcome back, ya big lug. I guess that explains where ya been. No excuse, you understand, but nice to hear.
  12. This is actually my specialty...dela with these kinds of infections all the time. There's a good chance it's MRSA, but these days it's really neither surprising nor a sign of disaster, at least not necessarily. They can be frustratingly tough to treat, and can certainly progress to nastiness, but he'll definitely be sidelined for a number of weeks more.
  13. It was such a bad play, the web designer probably thought it had to have been the Lions. I mean, who else could have pulled off such a crappy play?
  14. Yes, but I don't think I would want us to sign Simon if that means we can't afford Denney after this season.
  15. For me, it's a different issue between the jerseys and the helmets. Personally, I love the red helmets. Awesome. Best in the league. I also like the throwback helmets, but not quite as much. Then, there's the unis. The current ones are pretty awful. The home jerseys aren't quite as bad, but still. The throwbacks are definitely cool.
  16. Wow, cool story. Glad to hear it all worked out. What an ordeal.
  17. Maybe, but there's always the option of converting the VHS to DVD. I don't have the time to do it myself, but perhaps someone else (or a service) can do it for you...
  18. Would've been an even bigger insult if they had put Minnesota on that list...
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