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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I wonder what Scobee did that was better and more deserving than Lindell? Miss a field goal?
  2. One could make the argument that his being available would be a blow to the club.
  3. I think JP is going to have a tough time backing off the Buc defenders this time. Willis will find the going rough. Bills 9 Bucs 20
  4. That was awesome! Someday, Nick. Someday.
  5. Didn't realize you were counting his years with the Bengals...to me, that's almost like saying Lofton was the best receiver the Bills ever had. I think Talley was a great LB. I think TKO is a better LB overall, and has the skills to be the best Bills LB ever, but he's gotta do it for more than a couple of years.
  6. Not at all, man! That is some hardcore dedication.
  7. I watched that game on TV, and I couldn't tell if it was in San Diego or Dallas. The cheering from the Dallas fans was seriously loud.
  8. It's times like this, when I see message boards like that, when I am thankful for TSW.
  9. My admiration of you as a Bills fan has grown considerably. Talk about dedication.
  10. The only thing good about that game is that at least one of them will definitely lose.
  11. Cowart was definitely on the way to achieving that status, but alas, Tampa cut that process short (the bastards). I'd have to give TKO a couple more years at this level before annointing him the best, but I agree that he's on track for it.
  12. I'm not sure why but I find this to be very funny.
  13. Sam was turning in one of the single best defensive performances I've ever seen in that game. What a shame, it really blew his career.
  14. I still can't figure out how Denver is still above Miami in those standings.
  15. Clear the browser cache. Or launch a different browser to check it out.
  16. I think it's a bit too premature to come to any overall conclusions about the O-line, but I do think they did a nice job against the Texans. My belief is that the O-line in general improves as the season wears on, so I wouldn't draw too many conclusions until at least after the first four games. Anderson may well start doing better in the next few weeks, who knows. I do think, however, that a lot hinged on how well they would respond to the Texans front 7, and they did get the job done well enough.
  17. Gotta say, this is one hell of a game so far. That's some hard hitting going on.
  18. My feeling before this game was that the Texans would possibly start out testing their front 7 against our O-line, and not moving the safety up to stack the box against the run. My belief was that the Texans might want to see if their front 7 were able to handle our O-line, since there were so many questions about the line. That way, they could keep the safety back and potentially make things more difficult for JP. Instead, it looks like the Texans started out the way everybody else expected, with the safety up to stuff the run. Looked like it worked, too. However, JP came through in the clutch and played well, forcing the safety back into coverage. This, I suspect, is exactly what our coaches wanted, and the Texans obliged. The real test at that point, however, was to see how our O-line responded against their front 7. They delivered. Willis started getting some nice holes, the yards piled up, and the chains moved. Didn't result in TDs, but it was the type of ball-control offense we needed to keep the game out of reach. So, my props to the O-line to the way they handled the Texans front 7.
  19. I actually think the News is wrong on that one. The Texans started backing off into two deep sometime well into the first half. Some think we began to run the ball well when Preston came in, but really I think that was around the time the Texans decided they needed to defend against the pass more than the run, and it played into our hands. That, to me, was the key to the game. They did what they could to stop the run, but JP played well enough to convince them to back off. They did, and the O-line did their job opening up holes for Willis. Didn't equate to TDs, but enough to put it away.
  20. My uncle and I were joking at the time that Gaffney was probably just heading for the tunnel by that point.
  21. I watched the Bills game at a sports bar here, and the TB-Minn game was on the TV right next to ours, so I saw a bunch of it. Basically, Tampa played a hell of a game on both offense and defense, and I'd be wary of them. That said, Minnesota really blew a bunch of chances. It's hard to say how much of it was Minnesota really sucking, or Tampa really forcing them to suck. I got the impression that it was basically some of both. I, for one, would be very wary of them next week.
  22. True, but I thought they did a damn good job in the second half, finally opening up some holes for Willis. I think they started wearing them down, probably because they were on the field so much.
  23. Love goa...my fave is Astral Projection, a couple of guys out of Israel.
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