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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Successful runs beget more runs.
  2. Personally, I'd like to see this situation descend into another Flutie-RJ debate. I can see it now...Holcomb just wins, even if he does have a noodle arm. But what about the young kid's fabulous arm and potential? Maybe we'll secure a wild-card spot with one game left to play in the season, and they'll stick JP in for the meaningless finale, and he'll light up the scoreboard, and the coaches will bench Holcomb for JP for the wild-card game, and then...
  3. On a few plays he looked like he was limping pretty badly. I'm surprised we didn't see Jerman in there for a bit, although it makes you wonder if a gimpy Williams is really that much better than a healthy Jerman...
  4. That's funny, I thought he kinda sounded like Jim Mora.
  5. Their RB ran for over 140 yards, but they need a RB? Jets fans...
  6. I've got nothing on DC Tom, er, I mean CTM. You know it! Great time, man, thanks for letting me know you were in town. It was good to drink some beers and talk Bills football with someone other than my uncle for a change!
  7. Hopefully Moss will be gimpy. Sounds like he may have pulled a groin.
  8. All I know is, if Seattle was a playoff team last year, ANYTHING is possible. Playoffs, here we come!
  9. Well, defensive coordinators in general catch up to what offenses are doing in the second half of the season, so it's up to offensive coordinators to keep defenses guessing. My guess is that DCs began to understand what Drew's weakness were, and what our offense's weakness were, and how to exploit them, and we (Drew, offensive coordinator, and offense in general) didn't have the talent/ability/whatever to make adjustments. I think his situation in Dallas is different, because I think Dallas has some decent talent at RB, WR, and on the O-line, as well as Bill Parcells calling the shots. Their weaknesses are not the same as ours were then, plus they have a smart coach who understands their weaknesses and can adjust. We'll see. But then again, it's Dallas, I hate Dallas, and I couldn't give a rat's a$$ about Dallas.
  10. What's the question? Why the numbness? It happened to me once, although I did have significant swelling that lasted for days. It was painful and it sucked. I wouldn't be too concerned about the numbness. If he didn't have any real swelling and the pain is gone, sounds like he took care of it just right.
  11. Relax, it's just Mularkey's way of screwing with the Jets' heads...
  12. Sorry, not much help. That's a pretty vague description. I can think of a few hundred things...
  13. Well, that production actually stopped around midway through that first year with Bledsoe. Something to do with defensive coaches figuring out how to stop our offense, and failure on our part to fix it.
  14. You forgot the "half the distance to the goal" part.
  15. While there is some validity to this, I don't fully buy into it. To me, football is one part planning, one part execution. Just ask New England. When San Diego got the ball on their 25 in the fourth quarter with a 14-point lead to protect, everyone and their mother knew what they were going to do. Run, run again, and then run some more. 11 runs (and 3 passes, all on 3rd down) later, they were kicking a short figgie to put it away. New England knew what the plan was, but they couldn't stop it anyway.
  16. This is why I keep coming back here every day! I just can't imagine this place without Mark.
  17. Personally, I think this is more of the pseudo-mind games this staff is trying to play. Make the Jets think about him, for whatever it's worth (which is not much, really). I expect him to be made inactive on Sunday, then maybe we'll see him next week...
  18. All this bad-mouthing of the refs and no mention of the gimme call the refs gave the Patsies yesterday?
  19. I love reading this...once again, a sports reporter not doing his homework. Willis ran 16 times. The team ran 23 times.
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