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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Well, I never said he wasn't smart. After all, he got himself a national radio show. Debate technique or not, it doesn't do a whole lot for me to hear the exact same argument or point over and over and over again. That's not what I call entertainment. More like a guy who can't think of anything else to say. Like today, for instance. I believe he was talking about the top guys who are "it" in the NFL right now...Favre and Vick being the top two. I stopped counting how many times he repeated it and his list of players. It's a fine point to make, but after you've named the top guys once or maybe twice, that's enough. But if you've got another 5 minutes to fill before the next commercial break, repeating the same thing over and over to fill the time doesn't do it for me. Which is why I usually end up turning him off after a few minutes (either that or the commercials). Well, if you're going to compare him with Rome, sure. I really don't think Colin is that bad of a sports guy, really. He does make some good points without resorting to empty controversy. I just don't think there's much to his show other than "spanning the globe", because all he does is say the same things until I can't stand it anymore.
  2. Don't be ridiculous. He loves them. As long as they're running reverses or throwing option passes.
  3. I had the post-game highlights recorded on Tivo, so when I went back to watch them I focused on the Holcomb sack/fumble play. The only view I had was the traditional side view, so a lot of things were difficult to make out. But I watched it a few times in slo-mo, and one thing has struck me: Mike Williams is getting what sounds like the brunt of the blame for this play, but in reality, he shouldn't. Okay, first off, yes Mike whiffed big time. The guy lined up over him tried to hit the gap between him and Gandy, and they both went after him. The guy lined up over Gandy stunted inside, and Big Mike didn't notice this until the guy was already running by him. Mike turned and went after him, but of course he couldn't do anything to stop him. But this isn't the guy who sacks Holcomb. KH sidesteps this guy. It's the second guy who comes in who blasts him to cause the fumble. Where did this guy come from? Well, it's tough to say because of the view, but it looks like he came from the opposite side, but I'm not sure exactly where. Peters gets locked up with a lineman on the play, but inside of them it's hard to make out because of the mass of humanity. But it appears that both Teague and Villarial get tangled up with at least one Chief (maybe two). The result of the tangle is that Teague and Villarial both end up flat on their faces while Chiefs are running right through them. The second guy through seems to have effortlessly gotten past Teague and Villarial to get the sack. Granted, the first guy through disrupted the timing of the play and may have led Holcomb into the sack, but I don't think I'd go so far as to say Big Mike gets the whole blame for that play. Again, it's hard to tell for sure given the angle, so if anyone happened to catch a different angle (preferably end zone) I'd like to know.
  4. I don't know what he said this time, but every time I listen to the guy I find it hard to believe he has a national radio show. Anytime he has a point he wants to make he just makes it and then repeats the same thing over and over and over and over again. Sometimes I play a little game in the car and try to count how many times he says the exact same thing. Sometimes he just says the same thing, other times he just thinks up another example of the same thing. It's pretty much the only way he can fill up the ten minutes of air time before the next SportsCenter update and the endless commercials.
  6. Haven't you read any of the thirteen or fourteen threads on that yet?
  7. On the bright side, we didn't run any WR end arounds or reverses.
  8. Well, the only thing is if you can instill a sense of great discipline in your players to not fight back. If you can do that, and they don't retaliate, then the defense just invites their own personal foul, which is an automatic first down. That would basically negate any benefit of the tactic.
  9. True, but Gandy got schooled BIG TIME by that second-year defensive end when Losman got sacked on third down. It was a nice move by the DE (pretending to drop back, then rushing in), but Gandy fell for it hook, line, and sinker. It was embarrassing.
  10. Did he say it using the Yoda voice, too?
  11. That's pure genius! Send it in to TD, maybe we can take this somewhere....
  12. Nah, we moved to Getzville by the time I hit 4th grade.
  13. Wow, I used to live right near that growing up. Right by Glendale Elementary.
  14. Reason returns to Dover; Pat Robertson has another mouth seizure Yay Pat!
  15. Thanks, AKC. Nice job. I think you also gave a couple of good examples of what the coaches often say: one guy misses his assignment, and the whole play is shot. Yet, when you look at it, everybody else seemed to do a good job and had that one guy not screwed up, it would have been a good play. Oh well!
  16. I never did catch that press conference. What happened?
  17. I'll tell you what, if the Bills didn't collapse in that game against the Pats, Boston would be wringing their hands like mad today. The Bills dominated the Pats in much the same way that the Colts did (albeit to a lesser extent), which would have made two dominations, at home, on national TV, to AFC opponents. That defense was taken for a ride in both games, and if we had only hung on, the Pats D would be getting lambasted in the press. Ah well.
  18. Kansas OK's evolution language My favorite part: Aw hell, why not.
  19. Dammit, Doc! You forgot to use the lube again!
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