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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Even Al Michaels was dissing the Philly fans last night. Screw 'em all.
  2. They didn't !@#$ up, that's what they always do.
  3. I don't really know what it means to put cement in this crack. The way I look at it, the Bills have made mistake after mistake, last year and this year. Are they learning from their mistakes? Or are they continuing to do the same things over and over? At what point do you conclude that the message is just not getting through?
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but EM's contract is not up this year, so it's not really a matter of "re-signing" him. He will count a huge amount against the cap next year, so like it is with any player in that position, the team needs to sit down and think about the value they get for the money. Will we be better off with EM in the lineup at a huge salary, or will we be better off cutting him and using the cap savings on other positions? I don't know the answer to that, although my guess is that we'd still be better off with him than without him. The other option, of course, is to try and re-do his contract. We've already done that once. I doubt there is any realistic way we can push his upcoming money any further into the future, and based on what has happened I sincerely doubt he will accept a pay cut from this organization. So "signing him at a reasonable market contract" is not quite summing up the situation realistically.
  5. I don't advocate firing Mularkey (yet), but I just don't go along with this thinking. "If" we managed not to blow it? We blew it for a reason. It wasn't random. It happened once, then it happened again, and now a third time. How many times does it have to happen before it's recognized as something that happens for a particular reason? It's kind of like the typical coach response to a bad play call. Like if Mularkey had said, "If that first down and goal pass play had worked, nobody would be calling it a bad play call." Sorry, doesn't work that way. It didn't work, and the game was lost, for a reason.
  6. So how about we line up that teeny little wide receiver as the quarterback and let him throw it? Yeah, you know, the one who usually doesn't throw it. The guy with the broken throwing wrist. With a big cast on his broken throwing wrist. So what? I guarantee it'll at least get a first down.
  7. Haven't there been enough exposures this season to already know this? Raise your hand if you weren't sure that we needed a line badly. Holler "aye!" if you thought the collapses against New England and Carolina weren't enough to know that we need to finish what we start. And please, I'd really like to know if you are one that, to this point, really hasn't been convinced that we need to do a better job of calling plays! It's a sickening loss because, even this far into the season, after debacle after debacle, we still haven't begun to learn from our mistakes.
  8. Doesn't that also count for Mularkey?
  9. Well, I was just trying to thank the 2005 Buffalo Bills, but what the hell. Thanks for that, too!
  10. Interesting find. I believe the rule should have been that it was an incomplete pass with a penalty, but you only get to pick one or the other. If the Bills had declined, it would have been 4th down at the 1. But I don't see that as a any better than 3rd down with the 5 yard penalty.
  11. Given that it's the holiday season, I thought I'd take a moment to give thanks to the 2005 Buffalo Bills for a season of wonder. Thank you for being completely dismantled by Tampa Bay. Thank you for blowing it at home against Atlanta. Thank you for being crapped on by a lousy New Orleans team. Thank you for being completely dismantled by a lousy Oakland team. Thank you for choking in the last minutes against New England. Thank you for being completely dismantled by San Diego. Thank you for choking in the last minutes against Carolina. Thank you for choking in the last minutes against Miami. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to think about which is really worse, getting completely dismantled or choking in the last minutes. Thank you for an "improving" offensive line that just needs a little more time together. Thank you for another top notch defense. Thank you for making some of our best players completely irrelevant. Thank you for some of the most creative, outside-the-box playcalling I've ever seen. Thank you for "packages". It's the season for giving thanks...have you?
  12. Well, I didn't say he addressed the O-line well, but he did address it.
  13. Well, one nitpicky thing I have is that TD actually did address the offensive line this offseason. We picked up a new LG and LT, and drafted a promising new C. Plus, he picked up a decent RG the year before, and the RT was supposed to have been "improving". Of course, the LT turned out to be average at best, the LG turned out to suck major a$$, the RG has been injured and underwhelming, the RT has been injured and basically also sucks a$$, and the new C won't be seeing much time this year, but that's besides the point.
  14. I'd be interested to see the breakdown of how many yards we needed on all those 3rd downs. Without knowing, I'd wager that our 3rd down distance to-go average is higher than most teams in the league. Just seems that we're more often looking at 3rd and long, rather than 3rd and 4 or less (like our opponents seem to).
  15. or better yet: "Honey, I have some bad news. It involves the internet, your best friend and a rubber chicken."
  16. I'll give up my season tickets the day they pry them from my cold, dead hands. Sorry, that's just not my idea of taking a stand to make a point.
  17. I don't know...Reggie Wayne has "Peerless Price" written all over him. To me, at least.
  18. I'm still holding out hope that you're really just kidding about this.
  19. Is Quinn Early still available? We can probably get him cheaper than Moulds.
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