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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Araiza doesn't have to be the clear winner. He just has to be at least about as good as Haack. If they're anywhere close, then you go with the younger, cheaper guy with the bigger upside.
  2. Can we just close this thread? I keep coming back to it thinking there will be some new update, but it never seems to have anything to do with Kim Pegula anymore.
  3. Didn't see any threads on this... Started this one a couple of weeks ago. Never played any of the Dark Souls games, so this one is totally new to me, and holy crap, what an insane game. I can't believe how much detail and content there is in this game, it's completely overwhelming at first. Even after playing for a few weeks, I've barely scratched the surface. (Of course, I'm only playing a couple hours every few days, so there's that.) It is truly a test of patience. I can't even count how many times I've died and how many tens of thousands of runes I've lost in the process. But somehow, I keep coming back for more. It seems like a game that you'd have no hope of completing in a reasonable amount of time without looking at some guides and walkthroughs. There are so many things in the game that aren't described or explained and it's puzzling to think that you're somehow supposed to figure it out on your own. Yet it's still really fun to play and, of course, amazing to look at. Interested to see who else may be bashing their head against a wall repeatedly in the name of entertainment.
  4. Ah, that sucks. My mother was friends with him when they were kids, she talks about it every now and then. She'll be sad to hear this.
  5. Will those threads also contain lots of posts from others as well? Would be difficult to have to sift through a thread to find Astro’s report somewhere on page 5…
  6. Being negative is easy. If you’re right you get to crow about it, but if you’re wrong it’s a happy outcome. No risk, all reward.
  7. I will definitely get this tattooed on my arm if JA wins us a SB.
  8. This is seriously the post of the off-season. Well played.
  9. Is there such thing as a wrong thread for Tremaine? Also, for what it’s worth, I’m on a plane to Buffalo right now and Boogie Basham is two rows back. Dude is enormous. Sitting in a middle seat, too. And yes, in case you’re wondering, I gave him a “Go Bills”…
  10. Great stuff. What an amazing game from Kush. Also find it so interesting that big plays back then were hardly celebrated. After the punt block recovered for a TD, the players were just walking back to the sidelines as if it was just another play. These days the whole team would be going completely bonkers.
  11. Yeah, a winning percentage (39%) that's not very different from Belichick's with Cleveland (36-44; 45%). But Frazier is older than Belichick was at the time, I guess.
  12. Thanks! Always look forward to someone putting that together. The October one looks great but can’t do that one. Hopefully I can make the one in November.
  13. I'm sure someone has already mentioned the 1989 opener in Miami, right? The one where Miami, with the lead late in the 4th quarter, inexplicably decides to throw the ball, and the Bills intercept Marino? And Jimbo runs the QB sneak on the final play to score the TD and win it?
  14. That's an underrated game, mostly because it was a low-scoring and fairly unexciting game. I think the final was 13-10 or something. But still, it was an awesome way to open the season, especially because the Vikings were considered a contender that year. Some may recall that was the season Bruce Smith was suspended the first 4 games for substance use, and it happened right before the season started. There was a ton of excitement about the season, and that was a huge gut punch right before everything started. Leon Seals was asked to fill Bruce's role on the D-line, and although he was no Bruce, he did an excellent job. If memory serves, it was Hal Garner #99 who crawled on his hands and knees to sack the Vikings QB and stop their comeback at the end of the game.
  15. I would’ve known you were serious if you said Papyrus or Comic Sans instead of Times New Roman.
  16. Wow, so young. Another one. Guy delivered one of the biggest hits in Baltimore history when he crunched Rich Gannon in that playoff game, knocking him out and sending the Ravens to the Super Bowl.
  17. Included in the highlights is the Rams game from 2020, when Allen hit Kroft for the go-ahead TD with 15 seconds left. I know we won the game, but does anyone remember what happened with the ensuing kickoff and the final 15 seconds? Just curious.
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