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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I think perhaps more obvious is whether those guys will be available on the open market.
  2. Keep an open mind? I live in Utah, for crying out loud.
  3. I think this thread is an insult to the word 'talent'.
  4. The only thing that would be a 'bust' in that scenario would be my TV set upon hearing the pick.
  5. Perhaps if you kept an open mind about this...
  6. Damn you, are you just trying to soften the blow when we pick another GD wide receiver?
  7. Bingo. And thanks, Simon! I didn't know what you were referring to...not "who" you were referring to. I just had no idea why someone would all of a sudden want to post something about bringing Dwight Adams back, out of the blue, with no explanation why.
  8. And I guess some people just can't accept that they don't always make as much sense to others as they do to themselves. But I guess that follows, since you're already assuming things that are neither true nor ever said. Regardless, thanks for the info.
  9. So now being a season ticket holder since 1975 makes me a "newbie"? Maybe I just don't know what you're talking about.
  10. Not for those of us that don't know what you're talking about...
  11. For those of us who didn't get to see the game...what happened?
  12. That's definitely an improvement over 2 yard passes on 4th and 8.
  13. "Our people believe that they are better than their record."
  14. I just listened to the audio on BB.com. Damn, he really did say that. Mike = Hank
  15. Did he REALLY? I had seen the quote on the internet before, but it was shown correctly. Yikes. Edit: In the Sunday D&C, they quoted him as saying "wind out of your sail". Interesting!
  16. Here you go. Just think up any question you want for Mike or Tom and just pick one of these answers, and there you go. "Now is not the time to evaluate personnel. We'll evaluate everybody, myself included, at the end of the season." "I think we did some good things out there." "We had a great week of practice, I don't get it." "Believe me, there's nobody more disappointed and frustrated than those guys in the locker room." "We just have to find a way to get better." "If I knew what to do to fix this, it would have been done a long time ago." "We just can't seem to make the plays." "There are plenty of other message boards you can use if you want to be a jerk."
  17. If you ask me, I think they did it on purpose. Mike = Hank?
  18. "We'll evaluate everybody's performance at the end of the season. Now is not the time."
  19. "There's nobody more disappointed and frustrated than those guys in the locker room."
  20. The main problem is that we underperform at too many positions on the line, but we can't realistically replace every lousy lineman with somebody else who is immediately better. I actually think we will probably go into next year with the same tackles, Gandy and Peters. Not great tackles, but they are at least average. I guess I'm willing to overlook Gandy's big whiff on Saturday that allowed Holcomb to get splattered. The interior is where we really need change. I think the jury is still out on what will happen to Teague and Villarial, if only because we may need bodies. I think Preston is given the chance to take over the center spot, but the question is, is Teague too expensive to keep around anyway? Villarial, IMO, will probably be given the opportunity to keep the RG spot, but I don't know if he's more expensive than his worth. Then there's LG. If there was ever a position I would like to see a name free agent come in to patch a spot, that would be it. The salary saved by slicing Williams and Anderson should cover that. A high draft pick (or two) at tackle or guard should provide adequate depth and preparation for beyond that.
  21. My dad, when he was alive, was a huge Bills fan and he really understood a lot of what went on during a game. He used to tell me that he never worried about what happened on each team's opening drive. More important was how the other team reacted and played from the second drive on. Think Super Bowls. It doesn't take long for NFL teams (well, smart NFL teams) to figure out what the other team is doing offensively and to react. To me, this season has shown me that the Bills are easy to figure out, and can't do a whole lot of figuring out themselves. Like I said a few days ago, figuring out Belichick is like trying to do the Saturday NY Times crossword...figuring out Mularkey is like doing the daily Jumble.
  22. My wife, who is no football fan to speak of, noticed that they said that and asked me if I agreed with them. The only thing I could think of saying was, "That depends on what direction you think is the right direction. If you think the right direction is backwards, then sure, they're well on their way."
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