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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. According to Bills Daily.com, Jerman got the best score of anyone on the offensive line....
  2. That's okay...if he becomes the Lions head coach and succeeds, then we'll all have a reason to trash the Bills for missing out again!
  3. Only if he's been hanging around Marcus Vick...
  4. Typical. No offensive linemen. I keeed, I keeed.
  5. Sure, because we could use another position on the offensive line that needs a new body.
  6. Oh God, not this discussion again. Look out for SDS.
  7. That explains all those damn passes to Shelton...
  8. I thought today's article in the D&C with the Polian interview was great. I like the Polian really thinks of Marv as his mentor, and has been pushing for him to re-enter the league. I really like that Levy is back in a leadership role. I like that he has Modrak to help him with the personnel decisions, and somebody else to help him deal with contracts and agents. I like that he is here to help Mularkey get his head out of his ass and mentor him as well. But most of all, I just like that he's on our side, and we'll get to hear his wisdom some more.
  9. Kicked off V.Tech football team Guess Marv's not interested!
  10. Is Batavia Downs no longer open? Maybe they can just put a roof over that and play in the infield.
  11. Doesn't the age bashing get a little....well, old? Man, I just kill myself.
  12. Well, we probably mean the same thing. I certainly don't advocate putting players out on the field who haven't shown that they can get the job done. I agree that whoever is out on the field should be capable of doing their job. Which is why I can't understand this offense.
  13. You can disagree if you want, but I still think it's poor strategy to remove good players from the field consistently at times when it really counts. I'd rather rely on WM to get me the first down when it's 3rd down than Shaud Williams. Doesn't mean Shaud can't come in and spell WM on occasion (like Kenny Davis did for Thurman). But I don't recall Levy putting Kenny D in on 3rd down on just about every 3rd down play regardless. I loved Kenny D, but I would rather have seen Thurman in when it counted than Kenny.
  14. I'm not so sure...if you were a good coordinator who thought he might have a good shot at becoming a head coach, why not go to a team with a shaky HC? He gets dropped after one year, and the coordinator is right there to step in. Maybe? If I ever see another swing pass to Shelton, I swear I'm going to break something.
  15. I hear he goes well with a nice marinara dipping sauce.
  16. I would also add to the list: 8) Good NFL Coaches Put The Ball In The Hands Of Their Playmakers When It Counts How many times this season did we see critical plays come down to the likes of Daimon Shelton, Shaud Williams, Roscoe Parrish? Guys that are either unproven or not even starters? How many times do we have to see the coaches ignore MacGahee when he's in the game, or take him out on all-important 3rd downs? Does LaDanian Tomlinson come out on 3rd downs? Does Edgerrin James?
  17. Nice post, can't really argue with any of it. It reminds me of when the Bears hired Lovie Smith. The Bears were not a very good team and everybody knew it. But he laid down their initial goal, and that was to beat Green Bay at all costs. That would be their Super Bowl, and their #1 goal. I'd like to see someone come in here and say the same thing. Our #1 goal should be to beat New England at all costs. Our #2 goal should be to beat Miami and the Jets. Everybody on the team should be focused on that.
  18. Losing Pat Williams had an effect on our run defense.
  19. As much as I and everybody else would like to believe, Nate will still get ridiculous amounts of money to play somewhere else. He has certainly shown that he is completely overrated, but that sure doesn't matter in the world of free agency these days.
  20. You really hit the nail on the head there. Gray didn't have Gregggg or Dicky telling him what to do, and teams figured him out pretty quickly. Gray had no answers. I'm hoping to see at least new O and D coordinators.
  21. The question is, would TD even want to stay in those circumstances? Just as President, with no hand in the football operations? Maybe if we're lucky, TD will stay on as President only and Ralph will make MM both head coach and GM! Wouldn't that be great?
  22. I hate the thought of starting over completely, yet again. But if this team ain't a blueprint on how NOT to build and coach a football team, I seriously don't know what is. I haven't felt so sour on a Bills team, from top to bottom, in many many years.
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