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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. From this article on Yahoo about XL winners and losers: "Loser: Sports Illustrated cover jinx But only barely. The magazine screwed up when it started selling its "Steelers Championship Package" on its website before the game even started. If you typed in "www.sipittsburghoffer.com," up came an order form for all sorts of Steelers championship junk. But there was no such Seattle package. In fact, when you typed "www.siseattleoffer.com," the Pittsburgh one came up." Cue the spooky music...
  2. Did it actually sound like Al Michaels was "telling" people in the booth for Seattle to challenge the Rothlisberger TD call? I wasn't sure if I heard it right, but it kind of sounded like he was urging Seattle to get it overturned. I may have heard it incorrectly, though.
  3. I expect the halftime performances to be mediocre, but what I really can't stand is how the NFL seems to hire people to stand on the field by the stage and jump up and down like they were in a constant state of orgasm.
  4. But think of the great feel-good story as Marv Levy comes back to the Bills and finally leads them to Super Bowl victory! I, for one, am hoping for that angle once we make it back.
  5. Hell, all I know is, if a player is unconscious and partially out of bounds, and the ball is inbounds but touching any part of the player's body, then the ball is out of bounds! Case closed!
  6. Perhaps, but Seattle sure didn't help themselves by dragging their feet at the end of the first half. WTF was up with that? Seems pretty questionable to me. Kinda like Philly not trying too hard to win it last year...
  7. Ya give them an inch, they'll end up taking a yard, my friend.
  8. I don't like Nate all that much (hate showboaters), but I still think he's better than anybody else we have. And at that price, you can't not keep him around. That said, with such a small price tag, he sure would be a nice target for a tag and trade. I'm sure a lot of other teams would consider trading for that one-year salary.
  9. If they continue with "Ask the Coach" and "Ask the GM", at least we'll get to read something with real words and grammar. And they may actually tell us something.
  10. Mental note: Must remember to stay away from posts with all capital letters.
  11. Whew...I thought you were going to say that it's sad because they suddenly realized he can't read.
  12. I have access to some heavier stuff if you think you'll need it.
  13. Well, there's always this: perhaps they also realize the great importance of a dominant front four, and are now going to commit a huge effort to obtain one.
  14. I actually got to GO to that one. Lucky me. Although the blocked punt and the subsequent TD were right in front of me.
  15. Maybe McNally just wanted the opportunity to mentor someone.
  16. Hmm. I don't think we'll be seeing any blimps of any kind at the Ralph anytime soon...
  17. I'm sure he realized that it was the only way he'd get another DC job. Once Gibbs retires and Gregggggg-o takes over, Gray will be back in the DC driver's seat. Only this time, he'll probably be able to ride Gregggggg-o's coattails to a head coaching spot to some desperate team.
  18. They supposedly do carry some programming in HD, but on DirecTV I have not yet been able to find it. The DirecTV folks told me what channel they "thought" the programming was carried on, but they haven't been right yet.
  19. Poor Dorenbos. Probably pissed off that he would've been the one to go this year.
  20. He's a hot commodity? If he doesn't take the Bills job, he'll be sitting on his sofa next season.
  21. For some odd reason, the name "Rudy" comes to my mind. I can't figure out why...
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