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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I thought base salaries could only be cut by 30%?
  2. Please...no more converting-small-LBs-To-Safety projects!
  3. Has nothing to do with age. It's all about the money. If we could keep Moulds for a reasonable amount, we would. But he won't take a pay cut to do that. Somehow, I believe we could probably sign JJ for something less than $10 million. Not that I'm advocating that or anything.
  4. Interesting. How do you see an attack on Japan playing out?
  5. I've always thought we had one of the best helmets. Who cares about the blue stripes? The design is awesome. I can think of plenty others that are worse.
  6. A lot of that information is not known, since much of it is not made publicly available. All of it is factored into the cap hit, though, which is why most cap reporting sites give approximations. Probably because a player wouldn't want it publicly known how much money was left on the table because they didn't meet expectations.
  7. Yes, they do, but as you said the cost is divided per year of the contract. So the player gets the money up front, but only a fraction of it counts against the cap each year. Unless the player is released, at which point all remaining yearly cap bonuses are lumped together to count against the cap the year he is released (or is it spread out over two years?). Either way, this is all going to pot because of the uncapped year in 2007.
  8. I see, so I take off for a few days and FFS has a new name? Anyone figure this one out yet? Oh, and I agree, I think it's fair to say Teague will probably not be back. I wonder how much McNally has to do with that as well; in fact, I wonder if McNally has wanted to restructure this line since the first day he came here.
  9. I still can't believe this is a guy Ditka traded ALL of his draft picks for.
  10. Maybe, maybe not. If Peters can play LT, it might work to our advantage since picking up a free agent RT would be less expensive than a LT.
  11. Somehow I imagine these posts would sound different if this guy played for Miami.
  12. Gregg Easterbrook talks about this occasionally on his TMQ column (during the season, of course). He always brings up how NFL players typically only see a fraction of what they sign for. Usually, a big deal is made about how large a contract a player signs, but the reality is that contracts for the more expensive players rarely get beyond the first few years, after which most of the money is loaded.
  13. Unless your dad always came home really late after drinking too much and banging the secretary at a local motel...whoops, never mind.
  14. Kind of a strange argument to me, seeing that it sounds like the Bills wanted and tried to move up to take Ben, but couldn't. So why even include it as an option?
  15. The request to raise his arm to prove his shoulder really isn't a bag of jello?
  16. Because we all know you build your lines with only first round picks.
  17. I don't give a crap who our first round pick is, if these guys are serious about the O-line and D-line and follow through I'll be a happy guy.
  18. If only we could get our offensive linemen to use mace during a game...
  19. Damn, I was so close to saying Josh Reed, but I switched to Moulds at the last minute because I figured he'd be more likely to be gone next year.
  20. 1. Beatles, Yellow Submarine: "Sea of Holes" 2. Shrouded, I guess. 3. The ones in Canada are trying to pick up male hockey players. 4. Eric Moulds 5. Who knows, probably some horse.
  21. I can't comment on that until I've had a chance to review the tapes.
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