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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. No you didn't. And yes, Mark, you did. Bastards.
  2. Yes, that was generally meant for those other than you. You do make that point often.
  3. I'm still sore about missing the opening day 31-0 blowout of the Pats a couple years back because I was in Texas at a wedding for a huge Dolphins fan.
  4. Not saying there's anything wrong with not having confidence in the man's abilities. It's not like Marv's been an NFL GM in the past or anything. But here's the way I look at it: - Was I excited about TD being hired as GM? Absolutely. - Was I excited about TD hiring Gregggg? Yes, I was. I thought he'd be a great coach. - Was I excited about TD hiring Mularkey? Not really, but after the first year I thought he would be a good coach. - Was I excited about TD bringing in Drew? Hell yeah. - Was I excited about a lot of the free agents TD brought in? Hell yeah. Yet here we are six years later with a 5-11 team of underachievers and a long string of "I guess we were wrong about that"s. What does all this mean? I don't know. But it does show that it really doesn't matter if I agree with all the moves so far. I thought TD was the perfect hire, and I thought he was making a lot of good moves in the beginning. So what? So here we are now: - Am I excited about Marv being hired as GM? Not tremendously. We know what it's like to have a guy learn on the job. I think he's capable of being a good GM, but whether or not he will become one is definitely up in the air. - Am I excited about Marv hiring Jauron and the rest of this staff? Of course not. - Am I excited about Marv's moves in free agency (thus far)? Like you said, not much to get excited about, although I think they have been fairly solid moves for the most part. People may be getting ants in their pants about Marv and Co. but it makes little sense to blast the guy for not doing what we all want him to do and what we all claim he should do. Judging the guy makes no sense until we really know how he's doing. At least three years from now.
  5. What I fail to understand is why anyone here sees this election-year partisan pandering to the voting public is any different than what either party has done in the past, is doing right now, and will always do in the future. I mean, seriously. How would this be any different if the parties were reversed?
  6. When TD arrived, he inherited what most of us would agree is a mess. I, and most of us, seemed willing to cut him some slack on his three-year plan to get us back on track. In the first couple of years, he dealt with the salary cap problem and with Gregggg's coaching we were poised to make some noise in year 3. For many reasons that didn't happen, and another failed coaching attempt later we're back essentially where we started. We don't have the huge salary cap burden that we did when TD started, but the team as a whole has a lot of problems that need to be addressed. Marv's not starting with a blank slate, but this lump of clay needs a lot of shaping before it can get back to being a solid contender. Yet there seems to be a tremendous amount of impatience this time. Sure, it's now been that many more years since we've been in the playoffs, but don't Marv (and Dick) deserve the same chance we gave TD (and Gregggg) when they arrived? It seems to me a number of the moves made so far this offseason were made with the next few years in mind, rather than a quick expensive fix. If we give a draft class a few years before we determine if they worked out, doesn't Marv deserve the same?
  7. How about an option for "No Longer the Buffalo Bills Quarterback".
  8. I was enjoying that interview until I read this: Oh, come on now.
  9. You beat me to it. I can't stand hearing from the guy. Why does he have an agent anyway?
  10. Forget it, man. Just leave the cash and get out while you can.
  11. Who would need to stay up? That's early here.
  12. Why would the Rams want to do that?
  13. I admit to knowing practically nothing about the guy, but it seems like a fairly solid signing. The guy has plenty of experience at center, and he's started quite a few games. Plus, he's fairly young, so he'll have room to grow into the position. I certainly would have preferred a name like Bentley, Mawae, or Flanigan, but Fowler sounds like a good player with many years ahead of him.
  14. Here's my prediction... Moulds to Chicago for a 4th round pick plus they agree not to match on the "I" guy. It just makes sense on so many levels.
  15. Sorry, we ain't getting a 1st round pick for an 11 year vet. 2nd? Doubtful, but you never know.
  16. This whole ordeal has reminded me how much I detest the offseason merely for having to listen to agents (and personal advisors, apparently) spew this ridiculous crap.
  17. She was performing community service...right before the brawl broke out.
  18. We are completely fine at WR. Please no more WR. Just focus on the O-line (and get Pickett) and we'll be okay.
  19. Should call them the Holy B Trinity - Brady, Bruschi, and Belichick
  20. Almost makes you wonder if Snyder has some diabolical plan to overspend the small market teams right out of the league.
  21. I know quite a few, too, oddly enough. One of the local TV stations ran this story recently about the show, and it's pretty interesting. I think the Mormon church is a bit edgy because of it. I watched it for a few minutes just to see some shots of Salt Lake City, although I thought the main character was not supposed to be Mormon. In any case, I turned it off after about 5 or 10 minutes. Didn't do anything for me. And no, I don't know any wise guys here. Not that that means anything.
  22. The important question is, if QBs fall like crazy, who below us in the draft needs a QB? And are they willing to trade up for our spot?
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