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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Oh come on now, Mr. Cranky. So what? No skin off our back. I think most of us already realize this. He's coming off an injury and probably won't be back to form until next year, but I agree that it would be nice to have him on the roster. Good! We need plenty of other positions filled on Day 1. Not sure about this one...why would Rogers come on the market at this point? We already have our deep threats on the team. Peerless would likely be up against a 3rd or 4th DB, which could be a mismatch regardless if he can run a 4.3 40 at this point. True, but we didn't before his signing, so it doesn't exactly change anything. Cheer up! All's well in Bills Country.
  2. I think this is Fairchild's design...he's going to move us to a new style of offense. It will be the 1 center, 3 QBs, and 7 WRs formation. Nobody will know who's throwing the ball, or to whom. We'll need 2 backup WRs for that formation.
  3. I've read that it is currently being worked on, but no details. But don't we already need to draft replacements for about 6 other positions? Why add to the list?
  4. That's funny, I picture him as the guy who keeps sending me those e-mails asking if I would help him out by accepting his $15 million money transfer from somewhere in Africa.
  5. For those of us that feel that it all starts and ends with the quality of each line, ours are woefully lacking. To get to a point where the lines are a strength of this team, it will take at least a couple of years. Others are correct in pointing out that we only have 1/2 of a starting defensive line in Schobel and Triplett. Denney and Kelsay would be good backups, but at this point nothing more. We'll probably fill one of these holes in the draft, but to complete a foursome that can dominate will probably take another off season. The offensive line is such a question mark I don't even know how long it will take. But the fact of the matter is that we haven't a single player that could even take a sniff of the Pro Bowl. Fowler? He might, might, be a serviceable center, but we don't know. Villareal could be solid if he could stay healthy. Peters could be solid if he takes another step forward this year. Gandy is average, maybe solid on a good day. And our LG position is a blank slate. For this group to reach a dominant state, it will take years. We don't really have anyone that looks like they can step up this year to become Pro-Bowl-caliber, although I could be surprised. It's hard to project if any of those positions is really solidified for the long-term. Fowler and Peters probably give the best potential for this, but who knows. It will take this draft and another off season or two to get where we need to be.
  6. I think you should B word slap him for it.
  7. I thought I read in one of those stories that this issue was one that still needed to be voted on by the owners. Not sure why, though. It's a terrible thing, to be sure. I would guess it was put in by the bastard new guard owners to prevent any team from being sold in the future to an owner wanting to keep the team in a small market town. Basically it grandfathers in the current small market owners and guarantees that, in the future, all teams will eventually end up in large market towns with no further revenue sharing. You're right, it was basically a big FU to Ralph and the small market owners. It's no secret that they have disdain for the small guys.
  8. Sep 10 @New England - L Sep 17 @Miami - L Sep 24 N.Y. Jets - W Oct 1 Minnesota - W Oct 8 @Chicago - L Oct 15 @Detroit - W Oct 22 New England - L Nov 5 Green Bay - W Nov 12 @Indianapolis - L Nov 19 @Houston - W Nov 26 Jacksonville - L Dec 3 San Diego - L Dec 10 @N.Y. Jets - W Dec 17 Miami - L Dec 24 Tennessee - W Dec 31 @Baltimore - L 7-9 here we come!
  9. Wow...haven't had 100 points in a season since 1979-80....
  10. At least we'll finally get some national airtime at the end of the season.
  11. It's all just a smokescreen! Don't believe it!
  12. In an interview on NFL Network a week or two ago, Tags was asked directly about this but he never mentioned if it would be a new or existing franchise.
  13. I've wondered if that was part of the motivation of guys like Snyder to pay excessive amounts -- not just to coaches, but to free agents. Our jaws all drop and we snicker when we hear how much Snyder is paying to some of these people...typically far more than they are worth. But what it ends up doing is driving up the overall market price, whether its a wide receiver or a defensive coordinator. In the end, he can afford it and the small market teams become just slightly less able to compete. What happens when that occurs year after year for 5 or ten years? A conspiracy theory for sure, but when I hear about guys like Snyder and Jones meeting and planning their "strategy" at the owners meeting, we know precisely who they are plotting against. Could this be one way of, in the end, getting what they want?
  14. I agree, when you measure Marv's performance thus far you have to consider the releases as much as the signings. I don't think I'd give him more than a B at this point, though, and probably more of a B-. I think the releases were all appropriate, he's created a nice cap space, franchised Nate, and made some decent though unspectacular signings. I'd give that a grade of just above average.
  15. Oh come now. From what I read the Bills cut Moulds weeks ago. At least that's what Clayton reported on ESPN.
  16. Perhaps Marv could throw in our 5th rounder with Moulds to get their 3rd or 2nd.
  17. Makes me proud to be a Bills fan.
  18. Just listened to Tagliabue on NFL Network as the meetings came to an end... FWIW, sounded like Tags indicated that a deal with L.A. might be on the horizon. He said it was probably the one issue he wants resolved before he leaves office, and he hinted that some kind of decision might be made at the May meetings. I didn't catch a lot of the details, so I don't know exactly what might be agreed upon then other than perhaps a site for a stadium. But he didn't mention anything about whether this would be an expansion team vs. you-know-what.
  19. I think I actually feel stupider than just a few moments ago.
  20. "things like me"? I knew chicks always objectified me, but I didn't think it was for my profession.
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