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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Especially when the first game is still a month away...
  2. I'll just be happy if JP can finally learn how to finish a play without taking a blistering hit from a linebacker.
  3. Apparently one Miami defensive end has pissed somebody off. Well, it may not be him but it's fun to imagine.
  4. This thread wins. I'm not sure what it wins, but I can't stop laughing.
  5. I know we all enjoy piling on the big guy, but it's not like MW is any closer to being cut than he was the last time this issue was brought up. Just sounds like a Sporting News guy trying to catch up on everybody else's internet news from last month.
  6. I'm sorry, but that is freaking hilarious. Not for the kid, of course, but that just sounds like something from a Will Ferrell movie. One reason I'm not interested in having kids is imagining how I would react in a situation like that, and it's not pretty.
  7. Didn't see this posted, but then again I didn't look hard. Sue me. Nintendo style!
  8. Disgusting....but for some reason this part just seemed humorous:
  9. I thought it looked ridiculous. Adrian died? How and when did that happen? Maybe at the end of this movie Rocky will die too.
  10. Look, I don't care if the bloating is in the script or in the screen presentation that results from it. I don't know where the plot lines were drawn, added, or criss-crossed -- early during screenwriting or later during production. It doesn't really matter to me as the viewer, but if it makes you feel better that I criticize the movie plotline rather than the script itself then so be it. I'm not attempting to challenge the complexity of the characters in the movie (though, to be honest, I really wouldn't be looking to a movie like POTC2 for serious character development), just the assorted plotlines and the general chaos of their presentation. Part of the problem, I'm sure, is that I was sitting far too close to the screen at the time, but I had too much trouble following what was going on in the flick because there were just too many different plot lines all intermixed. I had the same sensation that I did when I went to see Matrix2. The first one was linear, simple, and effective. The second got so caught up in trying to create a cool, complex world and story that it became more about concentration and comprehension and less on sitting back and experiencing. One thing I will give Lucas credit for is Empire Strikes Back; at least he kept it relatively simple with a central focus on the characters. I didn't really find myself caring for anybody in POTC2, I was too busy figuring out what it was they were supposed to be doing, and why.
  11. That just about says it all for me.
  12. That was easily the most bloated script I've seen in a long while. I mean, I really couldn't keep track of what was going on for the entire first half of the movie. After that, it really didn't matter.
  13. Was that a real actor? I thought the whole time that it was entirely CG.
  14. I think something like that was on this year's SAT exam, so I hear.
  15. I see he's also sporting the Steve Nash haircut. That guy's a work of art.
  16. The internet is your friend.
  17. True, but as posted earlier, the game that really gave the Bengals home field that year was the embarrassing 10-5 loss in Tampa a few weeks earlier. Oh, the humanity.
  18. Although I wouldn't quite call that one a "heartbreaker" (probably because I was more pissed off than disappointed), that New England game has to be way up there. Another one was the 2001 (?) game at home against the Pats. We sucked that year, but we played them tough and deserved to win it. But the mysterious "ball lying inbounds on the ground touching a frigging unconscious player is considered out of bounds" rule ruined it for us.
  19. Dammit...I was just about to.
  20. Perhaps, but I think they'd have to rename them the Elders or something.
  21. Oh, I don't disagree. I'm just admiring the raw emotion. We do have meds for that, you know...
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