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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Oh yes, there will be boobies.
  2. That's one reason I really like watching at a sports bar. Commercial hits, and you still have games going on all around you, people going apesh!t, friends to talk to, etc.
  3. I will say this. I went to a few NBA games (Jazz) back when they had Stockton and Malone, but I never really liked it that much. The biggest reason: during commercial breaks, all hell would break loose in the stadium. Every TV break would result in some kind of overhyped, loud, obnoxious, sponsored event, which usually involved the shooting of T-shirts into a mindless rabid crowd, or some ridiculously unentertaining "race" between animated food products on the scoreboard. I couldn't stand that stuff. I used to love going to Bills games, but when I went back to a game a couple of years ago, suddenly Rich Stadium had become Ralph Wilson Stadium/NBA arena. The "success" of the NBA commercial breaks had spread like a virus into my mecca. It was depressing. I miss the "Mighty Taco" song.
  4. True, although I distinctly remember thinking to myself earlier this year, in April, "Who the f*ck is Donte Whitner?!"
  5. If we can reach the halfway point at 3-5 or better, I'd be satisfied.
  6. You got that far? I read something about "AARP jokes" and Donte Whitner being a "reach" and I couldn't take it anymore.
  7. Don't worry, we'll be drafting his replacement in the first round next year.
  8. What the hell is "a minus-1 touchdown-to-interception ratio" ??!? Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
  9. I don't know, but somehow this is all Marv's fault for being too damn old.
  10. Dang, that was a good read. I liked most of what I read there. Good to hear JP is being decisive, I think that's what he really needs. I'm looking forward to watching the next game.
  11. I'd say these guys did the most for themselves during last night's game... Defense: - Kyle Williams. He played an awful lot last night, against first, second, and third-stringers. He seemed to be making plays against all of them. I've got a good feeling about this guy. - Ryan Denney. I think he likes this defensive system. He did a nice job moving around and getting to the ball, even doing well shedding some blocks to do so. May move ahead of Kelsay if he keeps it up. - Eric King and Jabari Greer. Both did a nice impersonation of Antoine Winfield, showing solid one-on-one tackling skills. That's what I like to see. Offense: - Lionel Gates. Starting to show some stuff out there. Made a very strong push for the backup spot. He's got speed and he's not afraid to lower his head and plow through a safety. Or do helicopters. - Sam Aiken. Made some nice catches and was the only receiver to stand out last night in an otherwise dull performance by the receivers. The WR competition may have lit a fire under his a$$. - JP. Typical for a guy in his position, he made some really nice plays and some pretty ugly plays. But he's looking more and more comfortable back there. - Craig Nall. Just kidding. Although actually, with Holcomb stinking it up, maybe not playing helped his cause more than anything. Honorable mentions: - Kevin Everett. Nice to see him actually play, and he made a couple of catches. He's bigger than I realized. - Roscoe Parrish. Didn't do a lot, but we really have to get him the ball more. - Shaud Williams. He also didn't do a lot, but man is he quick. He definitely has his shortcomings, but I really like watching him run with the ball. - John McCargo. No eye-opening plays, but he looks like he has the tools to play with the first-stringers. With three more preseason games under his belt, I expect to see him doing some good things.
  12. I don't know...I remember a nice pass where he dropped it right over one defender and in front of another one. He wasn't gunning it...very nice touch. I think he can really be a good QB, he just needs to get comfortable in the pocket. Sometimes he is, sometimes he isn't.
  13. Very nice...thanks for the memories. But..."Brad" Van Pelt??
  14. He showed good awareness out there, and he did shed blocks very well on a couple of plays. I'm encouraged.
  15. Just as long as it isn't a "high ankle sprain"...
  16. Big frigging deal. So the Bears got embarrassed by, of all teams, the 49ers. They were walked all over by the 49ers. The Bears D looked soft, and their offense generated a grand total of 9 first downs and 29 yards rushing. Against the 49ers. Who led 17-0 deep into the second quarter. It just doesn't matter.
  17. Crap, I didn't know that. How are we supposed to know that? NFL Network shows a lot of their stuff in HD, but it has never been on that channel before, as far as I know.
  18. Thanks...I've been looking for NFL Network HD stuff for a while, but I've never found it. I'll believe it when I see it!
  19. How high Marv can count before he needs to look at his laminated roster?
  20. Haven't seen you much around here lately...nice avatar, too!
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