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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I was a little surprised at the call at first, but after reviewing it I agreed with it. It's still a pu$$y rule, but it's the rule. After that one, he also explained the call on the Giants receiver in the final minutes of the NYG-Philly game. The WR caught the ball and was tackled out of bounds, but the refs called it "forward progress" and kept the clock moving. Rich Eisen couldn't understand the call, but to me it was pretty clear. I couldn't tell if Eisen was just acting that way to make him explain it better, or if he really is that thick-headed.
  2. I think the real key to this defense is (a) finding and grooming a replacement for Fletcher in the next year or two, and (b) making sure that the Denney/Kelsay monster and the Williams/Anderson monster develop into solid, if not spectacular players. If we conentrate on the offensive line in the next offseason or two, I like our chances.
  3. Actually, I found it. He did have them at #3. Did he even watch the Rams-Broncos game? As pathetic as the Broncos were in that game, the Rams were nearly their equal.
  4. The one thing I am very impressed with concerning our defense is how they are just not giving up. It seems like every time a player is tackled, we have four, five, six, maybe even more all ganging up and making the tackle. On one play in the Miami game, I remember Triplett getting into the backfield on a pass play and nearly disrupting it, but Culpepper got off a short pass and the receiver ran for, who knows, maybe 7 or 8 yards. Triplett was in on the tackle at the end. I couldn't believe it.
  5. Did he seriously have the Rams at #3 last week, or is that a typo??
  6. Another tidbit: Couldn't be....he wasn't high profile enough...
  7. I know...I would love to see it happen, and I think it can...this team has just been so soft against the run lately that I can't believe they can do it until I see it. Like protecting a fourth quarter lead.
  8. Aha...that's what I had thought, but I recall reading somewhere that only three started, so I assumed TA got the first snap over KW. Glad to hear that's not the case.
  9. The Jets are going to be fired up after the near miss against the Pats. And I don't expect Mangini will pull a Mularkey and abandon the run in the second half. We'd better make sure we stop the run against them.
  10. Maybe not after giving up 17 points, but we were at least able to run 5:00 off the clock when we got the ball up 16-0 in the 4th with 9:49 left. Which included a nice conversion of 3rd and 7. And a near conversion of 3rd and 14.
  11. We didn't start five rooks, only three started. And Denney didn't force Culpepper out of the pocket on the INT, he was actually downfield and in perfect position to make the interception, had Crowell not been standing right in front of him. Nitpicking. But at least someone's noticing.
  12. We ran Shayne Graham out of town for less than that....
  13. Truer words were ne'er spoke. By the way, we're #5 in the AFC in points against.
  14. I used to live in Chicago and my brother-in-law lives in Illinois, a big Bears fan and season ticket holder. I find it interesting that his opinion on DJ is basically the same as I've read here. Loyal to a fault with his poor choices for coordinators, conservative and boring on offense, and didn't work well with Angelo. He was happy to see him go. I do get the feeling that DJ's second stint as HC will be a lot like others...I'm guessing he learned from his mistakes and knows how to motivate his players. I like what he's done, but I'm also reserving judgement until he's been here for a couple of years. This offseason I stated that the Bills are at least two good offseasons away from becoming a real contender. I'm happy with the first offseason, but we still have a bunch of holes that need to be addressed. I'll be interested to see how we play and finish this year, and next offseason will be incredibly important. I think if we give DJ at least 3 years to show us what he's made of, he'll reward us.
  15. I saw in one of those front-page stories that Donte has heard the defense will be introduced before the home opener... Man I wish I could be there. After the big win, this crowd is going to be pumped. And when Donte is introduced on the field, I fully expect it to be ear-shattering. If we can find a way to keep this train rolling, there are going to be some fun times ahead.
  16. I think Donte's new nickname should be "Reach". We can yell it every time he makes a play.
  17. The triceps is actually considered one muscle, although it has three heads (hence, "triceps").
  18. I definitely saw him double-teamed on one play, and I think they were using the tight end to chip him as well. The thing that bodes well for us is that the front four are generating pressure all by themselves. Double-teaming Schobel is effective, but the fact that our other three are getting in the backfield means offenses can't do it all the time. This, in turn, makes our blitzes that much more effective. It's what I've been waiting to see for the past few years. One thing that I'm holding my breath on is how teams start defending against us in the weeks ahead. Now that they have film to look at, will we be able to continue to do this? Another thing I've noticed is that we are getting less pressure from the front four in the fourth quarter. Is this fatigue, or are teams able to adapt? We'll see.
  19. Well, he did 'reach' to knock the pass down and win the game.
  20. I thought you didn't believe in that stuff?
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