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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Not at all...just that size is not critical for a successful quick slant.
  2. San Diego. I had a nice view of it from the upper deck. Bastard.
  3. Parrish took a quick pass 50-something yards to the house against the Jets. Nice play. It was against a blitz, which it was designed to do. A thing of beauty. But like I always say, once a play works for this team, you can pretty much forget about seeing it again because it'll be taken out of the playbook.
  4. I have been wondering this for months now. As for WR size, I'm sure Marvin Harrison can execute the quick slant just fine. He's one inch taller than Peerless Price and 5 pounds lighter.
  5. I think you pretty much identified part of the problem right there. Can you count how many times JP took 3-step drops yesterday? Can you count how many times we threw a quick slant? A screen pass? A swing pass to a running back? I can think of one or two. Part of helping a young QB is to give him some easy throws. Quick drops, plant, and fire. Lienart was doing that very nicely against the Bears. I haven't seen Gradkowski, but I would guess that's what he's doing, too. Youu can't do too much of it, because teams won't respect the long ball. But that's what Brady does all the time. Favre was doing it all day yesterday. It's good for keeping the pass rush off your back, and it lets the QB get into a rhythm. Yet all I see from our coordinator and our QB are 7-step drops. Time and time again. Long developing plays. The TD pass to Evans required two moves, out and up, and the reason JP's pass was underthrown was because he basically couldn't plant his front foot to do it. He was about to get smacked in the face. Look, I am not a huge JP apologist, but we really do not have the offensive line to do excludive 7-step drops. I am dumbfounded as to why the coaches insist on leaving 3-step drop plays out of the playbook. The team appears to be incapable of picking up a blitz OR making a hot-read and hitting a receiver on a quick slant to counter a blitz. I haven't seen a whole lof of play-action or draw plays either, for that matter. I don't know if it's Fairchild/Jauron's plan to just force this kid to sit in the pocket and learn how to feel pressure and make decisions or what, but it's really puzzling to me.
  6. Two issues....it's broken (not cracked), and it's high up (as opposed to lower down). That makes it much more painful and more difficult to protect when running with the ball. I don't know how long he'll be out, but I would imagine 4 weeks.
  7. From what I read: Personally, I think you're making Pennington's performance sound much worse than it was. If there is one person on this line that should be benched, it's Villarial.
  8. Our offense will continue to be hampered until we can find 5 guys that can pass protect without having to leave a tight end and a running back in to help out. I know it's been said before, but to me this is the real reason Losman is having trouble developing.
  9. I'm the one who posted about Butler playing RT. He was definitely in the game, although I'm pretty sure I saw Pennington in the game at the same time. I don't know where Pennington was playing, though. My initial thought was, we have an extra O-lineman in there instead of maybe an extra tight end, but who knows.
  10. That is absolutely unreal. I've never subscribed to the New England favoritism thing, but that is the most blatantly unbelievable thing I've seen by the refs.
  11. Well, if I was that guy in my avatar, perhaps so.
  12. We actually ran the ball for a first down to ice the game in the fourth quarter. And all runs were to the left side, where they knew it was coming.
  13. Agreed. This man does not belong out there. It looked like he was having some trouble with the speed outside rush at the start of the game, but I didn't notice it later on. Badly underthrown. Too bad. I was actually starting to have those thoughts myself as well. Player of the game (on offense, at least) if you ask me. He was a man out there. It looked like he was having a tough time in the first half. Butler was playing RT at the end of the game, although I don't know when that happened. I did notice that almost every running play of ours was to the left. Damn straight.
  14. Did he do anything today other than get excited for other people?
  15. That's good to hear. I've actually suspected that this is what the coaches are telling him to do. There have been too many times when it looked like he could and should run it, but he hasn't. I was wondering if he was told not to. I think it's a decent strategy. To a point.
  16. Please, enough with the Spikes comments. It takes a long time to come back from an injury like his. He probably won't be back to his usual form until next year, although he may never get back to form. But it's foolish to give up on him before then.
  17. The A-train actually finished with 95 yards. He was a man out there. That said, I do think you have to credit the left side of the Bills line. Peters and Gandy did a pretty good job opening things up for him. They still can't pass block very well, but that will take a few more games before we really know. As for the right side of the line....yikes. Villarial looked like the rookie out there. Pennington? Didn't look like he pass blocked very well, but I can't say anything about his run blocking because I believe about 90% of our runs were to the left. Butler was in at RT at the end of the game. Not sure what that means.
  18. That is just so frigging awesome. Nice job!
  19. I'm expecting quite a few designed roll-outs on Sunday. Hopefully they'll involve some backs and tight ends on the receiving end.
  20. I take offense to that poorly worded joke. I demand an apology.
  21. I'm just curious....setting aside the issue of numbers of participants and their sexual orientation, what is marriage?
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