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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. He's just expecting injuries and poor performance by whichever FAs we pick up. So we'll need the rooks to step up again.
  2. Yes, but what does "paid attendance" refer to? Number of tickets sold? Or number of people who bought tickets who showed up? I always thought it was number of tickets sold, not gate attendance.
  3. Beautiful play. Patted the ball right out of his hand. Ah, the good times.
  4. Read my post, man...it was 21-0 at the half (Reed had an awesome over the shoulder catch for a TD in the corner of the end zone right before the half)...then Norwood added two figgies in the second half = 27-0. No safety in that game. What is irksome, as pointed out, is that someone didn't do their homework...and then nearly every other publication saw it and just used it without checking it out themselves.
  5. Well, I didn't say "This is what keeps me up at night" or anything.
  6. Sorry if this was already posted, but somebody isn't doing their fact-checking. The last time we blanked the Dolphins was in 1987, but the final wasn't 29-0, it was 27-0. I was at that game, and it was awesome. We jumped out to a 21-0 lead at halftime, and added a couple of field goals in the second half to finish them off. It was a monumental victory; we had finally thrashed the team that had stumped us for so long. It was a coming of age, of sorts, for the young Bills team with Kelly, Reed, Smith, Conlan, and Bennett. It was a sign of things to come. I'm hoping for the same now. But it looks like someone screwed up the score, and now everyone is running with it.
  7. Keep in mind, though, two things: 1) Royal is an excellent blocker, and 2) Royal's production in the passing game has been severely limited by the fact that we've had to contract the playbook for JP and the O-line. Now that the line is coming together and performing well, we're able to do more multiple-receiver sets and to send Royal out more. As a result, he will (and is) increase his production.
  8. I tell you, I'm not sure I want to rely on K. Thomas as a starter, but he's a player.
  9. 100 yards rushing total, 2.7 yards per carry, and 3 sacks, but 3 TDs. It got the job done against the #2 defense in the league, and that's about what I would have hoped for. It has to get better if we want to be a really good team, but with two raw guys on the right side, a new but potentially great LT, and only one year in this system (less than that for this current group of linemen) it's really not bad at all.
  10. Sweep of the Fish. Shutout victory. Against Mularkey. End Miami's playoff hopes. Am I in heaven?
  11. Going 3-3 in the division is a good way to start the first season for Jauron. Next season, we need to emphasize taking care of business in our division and going at least 4-2.
  12. Amen...down by three scores in the fourth quarter, they punted twice. Are you kidding me?
  13. Why should anyone be mentioning it? Because of a different thread? Shouldn't this be in that thread? That was a great game. The Rams were undefeated at the time, and we were underdogs because Kelly was out and Reich was starting. I didn't give us much chance. I remember the touchdown at the end of the game to win it seemed strange because the announcers either weren't paying attention or were talking about something else as it happened, so it almost seemed like it was lost on the moment. Of course, I was screaming my ass off at the TV and at the phone, as I was talking to my dad at the time.
  14. Thomas has played quite well as the nickel back, and he probably won't be very expensive. I would definitely like to see him back, and I'm guessing we'll sign him. I don't know if or how it would affect Nate's situation, though. With McGee, Thomas, Youboty, and Greer, we have four good, young corners...but nobody who is really a standout. They would make a fairly good starting pair + nickel + dime combination, but Clements is really so much better than any one of those guys it's hard for me to imagine not keeping him.
  15. The real problem, as I see it, is that once we re-sign Tim Anderson we'll have barely enough cap room for anybody else.
  16. He gives a great f!@%ing interview, though, let me tell you.
  17. But ESPN has him ranked behind all of those chuckleheads, and that's all that matters, really.
  18. A new stadium would be fantastic, and I agree that this might be what all the posturing is about. I'm sure the league, and some of the larger market owners, would love to see it as well. The main reason is that new stadiums bring greater revenue -- mostly due to the luxury suites, though. That's where the argument suffers, I think. Buffalo has never been able to sell it's luxury suites easily, whereas it's much easier in larger markets. I do think that a new stadium which seats more in the 60,000-70,000 range would benefit the Bills in terms of sellouts, but the problem is that ticket prices are bound to go up, and even at the current bargain prices (relatively speaking) we still can't guarantee sellouts. So I think there are a many good things that could come from a new stadium, but a lot of question marks remain.
  19. Let's face it, JP's production this year has not been fantastic, but it's due to a number of factors that most of those gearheads either can't or won't take the time to appreciate. Certainly, in-game experience has a lot to do with it, but the problems along the offensive line have a ripple effect. Those two things together have an effect on protection schemes, which then affect playcalling, which then affect the number of receivers running certain routes, which then affect JP's options, and so on. Fairchild has said it himself: problems with JP's and the OL's inexperience have really restricted the offense, and that more than anything else is why we're not seeing great production out of people like Royal, Price, and Reed. As we are able to have TE's and RB's go out in pass patterns instead of staying in to block, and as we are able to go to more four and five receiver sets instead of keeping TE's and backs in for blocking, we'll start seeing greater production both from JP and from the different receivers. It will come. It already is, actually.
  20. If it's true, then I'm glad to hear that the Phins really aren't 21-0 better than the Pats. It would also be good to have this come to light now, right before we play them, to help get rid of any possible advantage for them. The other thing to think about is that, when a team is on the road (vs at home), their signals for such things might be different owing to the effect of crowd noise. That shouldn't come into play next game.
  21. Well, Green Bay and the Colts were the first two games after the switch, so I'm willing to give them at least a partial mulligan for those. They are definitely showing improvement over the last few weeks, and they have faced a couple of very good defensive fronts in San Diego and Jacksonville. Both were at home, however, where we have a small advantage, and even then they had their troubles. Against those teams on the road, they would not have done so well. That said, I think we need to look at the line in terms of steps: first, they need to demonstrate that they can handle an average defensive front. I expect they will still struggle against the good fronts, but that will come later, assuming they are coming along as we hope they will.
  22. This place never ceases to amaze me.
  23. Just curious what an analysis of Schobel in the first quarter would look like.
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