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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. "Oh God I shouldn't have eaten that triple bean taco last night."
  2. Although it was alluded to earlier, keep in mind that, at least in the past, most of the money in these huge contracts is back-loaded. That means when a player signed a gigantic contract, most of the money was put into salary in the later years of the contract. Since NFL contracts aren't guaranteed, the chances of the player actually seeing that money is slim. The team can either re-work the contract (pushing the money even further into the future), renegotiate the contract anew, or just cut the player and not worry about it. Particularly because of the higher cap, players (or more specifically, their agents) are now trying to seek more guaranteed money (ie, bonus money). I'm not smart enough to really figure out the ramifications of that, though.
  3. ...can we finally dispense with all the talk about the NFL being fixed?
  4. Cripes, man, have you already forgotten the 1970s? Isn't that why we hate the f'ing Dolphins so much?
  5. True, but I'd be willing to bet that Fairchild and Schonert had more to do with it than Alex.
  6. Sorry to hear that, 'cause Willis ain't worth anything more than a 3rd rounder...maybe. I still think a 4th at best.
  7. One thing that's killed me about Losman this year is...as soon as he throws a bad pick, everybody starts in with the "he locks onto receivers" garbage. You know what? He does it once in a while. And guess what? Nearly every other quarterback does it, too. I've watched all of them do it this year. Brady, Manning, Favre, and whoever the hell else you want to name. Losman threw a few bad picks this year, but in all he didn't throw very many. I've seen some horrible throws from the best QBs as they stared down their receivers, too.
  8. I'm actually surprised how few people are picking the Bears this weekend. Not that I think the Saints can't win, but man, just about everybody thinks the Bears will tank it.
  9. Oh really? Please tell me how Willis has proven as much as Henry. The unrealistic expectations of this board are nuts. Of course, that just leads to angst about how bad Marv is when he doesn't get what everybody else thinks is Willis's true value.
  10. Except that excuses don't do a whole lot for raising your perceived value. We all think we can get great value out of our players, but we're not GMs and the game doesn't work that way. Few teams would give up a first day pick for a guy who has so far proven to be an average RB, with one year left on his contract, and who is publically looking for the big bucks. If a team is willing to part with a 2nd round pick for Willis, why not just use that pick on a RB? If I'm another GM, I'd be saying to myself, "Self, I can probably get just as much production out of my 2nd round pick with a rookie RB than I would with Willis...plus, he'd be a hell of a lot cheaper, I can pick someone without the attitude, and I wouldn't have to deal with that bastard Rosenhaus." Maybe, MAYBE a third rounder. But probably not. An early second day pick is all Willis is worth right now.
  11. As I mentioned in another thread, why would any team give up that much for a player who hasn't proven anything (positive) yet? Look at all that someone like Travis Henry did, and what did we get for him? Everyone thinks that RBs are easy to replace via FA or the draft, and it's probably true. I would consider us lucky to get a 4th for him.
  12. I can't quite figure out why people think we can get a 1st or 2nd round pick for Willis. What has he done to earn that high of a pick? I would say Travis Henry did a lot more during his years in Buffalo than Willis has done, and what did we get for him? People are always quick to say that RB is the easiest position to fill via FA or the draft. So why would some team offer up a #1 pick for a guy who really hasn't done a whole lot so far? If we want to trade him, we'd be lucky to get a 4th rounder for him.
  13. Is that the one that vibrates?
  14. So who exactly are we hoping will fall to #12 with all of these underclassmen declaring?
  15. I was a big blade guy, then when I got into residency I needed to cut down my morning prep time, so I switched to electric. I've been happy with it. Blades give a much closer, smoother shave, but it's time consuming and there's a lot of cleanup. If you don't have really thick whiskers, electric should be fine. But I agree that you need to use it for a little while until your face gets used to it. Braun makes good shavers, that's what I've always used.
  16. It may not have had much to do with Gramatica BUT...on the replay, Gramatica has the chance to block #27 out of the play. Of course, being small and completely afraid of any contact, he barely brushes the guy on the shoulder, and #27 is the one who makes the shoestring tackle. If he had done anything...any little thing...to push the guy or knock him off course, Romo at least gets the first down. That might be asking a lot of a kicker, but what the hell.
  17. I think that's an amazing stat...and probably directly linked to Fairchild finally starting to expand the playbook after the break. I think we had much better success in the air once we started keeping fewer guys back to help block, more 3 and 4 receiver sets, and fewer 7-step drops. I think it gives a lot of hope for next year.
  18. Have to agree with that. My heart bleeds for the poor bastard. How terrible that he was called a dumb jock and now is paying for it with million-dollar contracts. His defense sucked this year, plain and simple. He f'd up in Buffalo and now he's f'ing up in Washington, and all I read were excuses.
  19. I could go into a long discussion of why this is so painfully wrong, but I've written enough. Our run defense stunk, and it stunk worse than last year. It stunk at the beginning of the year, it stunk in the middle of the year, and it stunk at the end of the year. Stink, stank, stunk. You know the tune.
  20. Doesn't anybody think that, if Saban leaves, Dom Capers will be ready to take over? I don't exactly relish that thought, but then again, Miami has a lot of issues right now.
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