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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. I'm renewing, I just have to get my ass in gear.
  2. Unfortunately, we'd have to give up one of ours plus a 3rd and 4th round pick just for a decent one of theirs...
  3. You have to admit that, assuming we get most of the injured guys back for the playoffs, that we will be in considerably better shape than during last year's playoffs -- particularly if guys go down again.
  4. Hmm. Maybe we should change the title of this thread to "Pats fan..."
  5. Not that I have any love for the guy, but....have we all forgotten or given up completely on Villarial? I know he can't stay healthy, but he's still a decent guard to have around.
  6. Too bad that won't get us their 1st round pick.
  7. I highly doubt Preston will get cut, since we are paper thin with respect to depth on the line. If we sign a guard or two, then maybe, but I still think we keep him for depth at least until his contract is up.
  8. That has to be one of the funniest things I've read in a long time.
  9. Unfortunately, the reality is this: we would be lucky to get a 3rd rounder for him, and when we end up getting a 3rd for him, most of the people here will gleefully rip Marv a new one for getting so little in return.
  10. Unbelievable. That said, if we do get most of them back for the playoffs, that's a good group of guys who will be nicely rested.
  11. Ah, those were the days. Good times.
  12. This is good stuff...only the first three episodes are available so far: http://www.collegehumor.com/tag:streetfighterthelateryears
  13. London may not be the best MLB we could have, but I'd rather have one less gaping hole to fill this coming year. Draft a good prospect and groom him.
  14. We already have an asst HC...April
  15. To me this is, by far, the biggest blunder of the Mularkey/Donohoe era. I will never forgive friggin' Meathead for that one.
  16. Nobu, at the Hard Rock Casino in Vegas. Unbelievable.
  17. Apologies if this was posted before. There's a new book available on "The Trials and Triumphs of the Black Quarterback", and ESPN.com has an excerpt from Chapter 5 online which talks about the start of James Harris's career after he was drafted by the Bills in '68. Interesting stuff about the Bills teams back then.
  18. True, but that's a couple of big if's. The point is that the radio head said the defense 'could get worse' with the leaving of Fletcher and Clements, which is a definite possibility.
  19. If Fletcher and Clements both leave and we replace them with rookies or mediocre free agents, do you actually think the defense would be better?
  20. He certainly is a pencil-neck geek, but everything he said is spot-on.
  21. John...I'm no ortho specialist, but I'd have to basically agree with BFM.D. above. I think a repeat MRI is reasonable if it has been this long and he's still having problems, although I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't show anything new. But he's right, if it does show something, then you've got a target. If not, then I also agree that there still might be something that can show up on a scope, and you would need another opinion to see if a scope is indicated. And then you'd have to decide if the risk of the procedure is worth it. I'm also available by PM if you want.
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