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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. The Browns really need another CB, so it might be worthwhile. I doubt we get much more than a 5th for him at this point, though.
  2. Because I have no interest in discussing it with you.
  3. From the latest issue of "Annals of Internal Medicine", a study out of Stanford and the Palo Alto VA. Discuss amongst yourselves.
  4. I like that he's often shown starting to look in one direction and then throwing to a different receiver. It would be nice to have a QB who can look off a safety once in a while.
  5. There's no tackling. What's he supposed to do to get attention? Move fast?
  6. That's a sales pitch? Oy. I'm with ya on this one, but it's not really a tough choice between cementing your husband's legend and $850 million dollars, minus taxes.
  7. I've never watched the show, but I guess that Archuletta kid is from a high school right near where I live. The local media is going apesh!t about it.
  8. Damn, I guess I do have a pretty good memory after all. Thanks.
  9. It was actually called a number of years ago in a Bills game. I don't remember the year -- I think probably 1988 or 1989, and I don't remember but it might have been against the Dolphins. If I recall correctly, Jim Kelly was hit and fumbled the ball, but the defender was penalized when he grabbed Kelly and prevented him from going after the ball. It's a little hazy now, but I remember hearing the call and I couldn't believe it. It's the only time I've ever heard that call made.
  10. One thing to note is that, in today's roundup by Chris Brown, it was noted that Stroud and McCargo rotated at the nose tackle spot, while Spencer Johnson and Kyle Williams rotated at the other tackle position. I thought Stroud and McCargo would line up together, but perhaps they're just experimenting right now.
  11. As Pyrite mentioned, I would give TMQ's special article a read. I think he does a good job summarizing the whole situation.
  12. Baloney. Stan Gelbaugh was a crappy quarterback. The guy threw like 10 TDs his entire career!
  13. Boy, that's a tough one without any more info. Any idea about the style? medium? artist? other content in the picture?
  14. Definitely hot. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
  15. I say we stick Viti at center and see what happens.
  16. Some things really are more entertaining inside your own head rather than out in public.
  17. The head-banging smiley is fine, but I really feel like I need a driving-nails-into-my-eyeballs-so-I-will-never-read-posts-like-this-again smiley right now.
  18. You mean like with all the threads about Hardy?
  19. Actually, they just replayed that game on NFL Network not long ago. Not a big point, really, but Grossman and the Bears offense actually did close to nothing in that game. It was won by the defense (two TDs on turnovers) and Hester (TD on punt return). The offense managed one field goal early in the game. Not only that, but Leinart actually (and quite easily) got the Cards into FG position to win it at the end. But in true Cards fashion, Dennis Green called for a run to the left instead of straight up the middle, putting the ball on the left hashmark for the FG attempt. The result? FG wide left by about a foot. Oh, those Cards.
  20. Damn that Wren. That pick alone set this franchise back at least 5 years.
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