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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. You got that right. Some !@#$ers think they're basically the same thing. As for Flay, I think the Jicama sticks pretty much says all you need to know.
  2. Not to be picky, but as it says in the article he is in "serious" condition, not critical. Should be okay.
  3. I agree, it's great to have that in there, and definitely great to have those reports. Thanks!!
  4. Two more go down...both Limas Sweed and Ian Scott carted off the field today. Sweed probably has a hammy.
  5. I would say that so far, I'm happy with him as our RT.
  6. I'm starting to think krazykat and ieatcrayonz are actually one and the same.
  7. Awesome comment at the bottom of that article in response:
  8. Me likey! *makes grabby motions with hands*
  9. I think he meant "the first today"...
  10. Kind of reminds me of the phone conversation between John Travolta and the drug dealer in Pulp Fiction, when he's driving with Uma Thurman O.D.'d in the passenger seat: LANCE She ain't my !@#$in' problem, you !@#$ed her up, you deal with it -- wait, are you talkin' to me on a cellular phone? VINCENT Sorry. LANCE I don't know you--who is this, don't come here, I'm hangin' up. VINCENT Too late, I'm already here.
  11. A point which some NY Times hack blogger enjoyed spinning into his own little tale of wonder earlier this year. From an article a couple of years ago: Despite the Rich Stadium deal, the first of its kind for an NFL stadium, Ralph does claim to be against it in general:
  12. I guess that pretty much says it all, considering I think Jerry Jones is probably the worst thing to have happened to pro football...well, ever. Certainly, at least since Pat Bowlen.
  13. Yes, but Peter, isn't it the point that those teams you list ahead of the Bills have no need for a new starting QB? Favre would have no interest in going to any of those teams, because he wouldn't be the starter. But at least in Buffalo, he would have that chance, and in doing so perhaps push them a few ranks higher. Not that I want Favre here, but it just seems like another of King's flimsy arguments.
  14. Kind of sad, though, that the former "employee" needed to sell the rings to pay off his debts.
  15. And to think I actually wondered if we'd get to page 2 before somebody posted this.
  16. Carolina is one of those mystery teams. When you think they aren't any good, they surprise you and play great; when you expect them to be great, they disappoint and crap the bed. I've never been able to figure them out.
  17. Awesome. Thanks for your service and the cool update!
  18. Well, that's kind of important, wouldn't you think? People have been flocking out of cities to the suburbs for quite some time, now, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't count toward those city's fan bases. Salt Lake City's population is only about 181,000, but if you include the suburbs it's about 1.2 million. If King wants to make a valid argument, I'd like to see him include suburban numbers.
  19. Did he sing his old classic, "Baby Likes Burping"? That was my first introduction to Weird Al back in the '70s when he was on the Doctor Demento show. I had a friend in California tape record a show and send it to me.
  20. That's the point. April took two guys, one a rookie and the other a new undrafted guy we picked up from NFL Europa, and made them the #1 unit in the league.
  21. I don't know, but I'm looking to get one soon. I'm guessing Apple will upgrade the iPod line sometime this fall, so I may wait until then.
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