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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Are you kidding me? Don't dis Leon Seals, baby.
  2. No kidding. We've got our own problems, but that's just ridiculous. We had better take this one.
  3. If by "later" you mean next season, then yes, sooner rather than later. I think he'll probably miss the first month.
  4. Meh, call me when it's a full marathon. Just kidding, bud, nice work! Always warms the heart to hear stories like that.
  5. Bell has really not looked very good tonight at all.
  6. So...anyone still on the Bell bandwagon at this point? I think Hamdan might not make it out of here.
  7. Poor Wright...from Chris Brown's blog today: Oh well!
  8. From Tim Graham's blog (thanks, Tim!): From the linked article in the Palm Beach Post: Pure speculation, of course, and I'm sure there's no way the guy gets cut. But still. Thought it was interesting in light of how many of us (myself included) were clamoring for the guy.
  9. That seems to me to be one of the most level-headed and logical arguments about this situation that I've seen so far.
  10. Ah, yes. Nothing more exciting than to hope your team this year will be roughly equivalent to a fart.
  11. There's a lot here to digest, and I also wanted to thank Tim for coming around to open a discussion like this. I'm no newspaper insider, so I don't have the same kind of insights as Lori, for instance, but I'd just like to point out that #5 above is something I think bears repeating. I often give a hard time to the writers from realfootball365.com -- for many reasons, of course, number one being their writing is just God awful. But there's obviously more to it than that: if you look at it, it really is nothing more than just some guy's blog. Why? Because the writers have no access to the team. They just sit at their computers and conjure up whatever opinions come into their tiny heads and try to pass it off as "journalism". They don't talk to the coaches or the players, they don't travel to see the teams play, they have absolutely no more insight into the people involved than any of us knuckleheads do. That's one of the true values of local journalists, especially as those journalists grow into their jobs and develop close relationships with the local owners, players, and coaches. And it's one of the things that is gradually going to disappear as more and more media companies eschew the local perspective for a more generic, national one. Thanks again, Tim.
  12. Ah, I must have missed that one. Of course, the only way a contest like that would really be fun is if it was to see which one of them could get all of the others to jump off a cliff with him.
  13. Damn, there's nine other docs on here? Crap, I'd better get me a new byline.
  14. According to Chris Brown today: Sounds like Schouman might be back a little earlier than expected. Hopefully.
  15. No way does Wendling (or "Welding" as Sharpe would say) not make the roster.
  16. That's interesting...for me, it says $1.99.
  17. No kidding. But then again, it's usually the older folks that still cling to checkbooks. Ugh.
  18. Checks. Paying with checks, especially at a supermarket. Man that makes me want to blow a gasket sometimes. Get with the times, people. I can't believe some folks still use checks for anything other than paying bills -- which you don't even need anymore.
  19. He's also the guy who took out Schouman, by the way.
  20. Holy crap, that's good news if the X-ray is negative. That's the difference between him missing 2-4 weeks vs. 6-8 weeks (or more).
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