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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Uh, that links right back to this thread... Sorry if it was already posted, though.
  2. You can do it a few ways. I did it by opening the PDF in Photoshop, and it automatically asks if you want to open just the image itself. You can also probably do the same if you have Acrobat (not Reader, but Acrobat). The other alternative is to just capture a screenshot with the image filling the screen.
  3. If you go to http://www.nfl.com/videos and browse by team, if you select the Bills there are a couple of good videos from Sunday's game. One is a 5-minute video that shows all of the scoring plays with the radio announcers from each team calling them. Another is a 2-minute video showing the entire 2-minute drill for the Bills to win the game at the end. Fun reliving that one. Just an FYI.
  4. The back cover of Monday's newspaper had a great shot of the Bills bench right before Lindell's game-winning kick. It's available on the BuffNews web site in PDF format HERE. It's a nice high-res photo that can be extracted from the PDF and used as a desktop image, which I've done. It's awesome (although admittedly not a great desktop, since it's tough to see my files).
  5. Damn, that's just what it was like in the stands. People were still cheering after all the players, coaches, and other people had left the field and it was empty.
  6. It is a loooong season. Teams often end up looking and playing very differently at the end of the season than they do at the beginning. I fully expect teams like Jacksonville and San Diego to be playing well by mid-season, and despite crapping the bed New England should be there as well.
  7. But did he mention Trent's girlish arm strength?
  8. I don't know that I'd say Ko is really underrated just yet. I think he's very good and has the potential to be excellent, but he's still young and a little raw, and has considerable room to improve and become an impact player. That said, I'm fairly confident that we'll see it soon.
  9. So something similar to the way games were summarized in "Relentless"?
  10. That 51-3 game is available on DVD, if anyone's interested...I gave it to Fezmid, give him a PM if interested.
  11. Agreed 100%. Here's one for you, Langston...
  12. Whoa, another Bills fan in SLC? Do you watch the games at home or do you hang out somewhere in town?
  13. That was freaking awesome. So many cool reflections...great seeing Braxton and the Juice...what a receiving tandem with Rashad, J.D. Hill, and Bobby Chandler. And very cool to see Gary Marangi come in as a rookie against the Dolphins and throw a TD on his first pro pass, then another to tie the game with under a minute to go. Looked like Lou Saban was ready to kill somebody when they let the stinkin Fins score to win it. Thanks!!
  14. I appreciate the perspective and I like when folks try to keep it real, but arguing that the Bills offense really only scored 13 points in that game just doesn't cut it for me. The offense scored 20 points, plain and simple. 20 isn't fantastic, but it's a good amount for a new offense and a young, still-learning QB when coupled with strong defense and special teams. Not acknowledging the TD following the kickoff return fumble, I think, misses one of the big things about the new offense -- it's aggressive, it's effective, and it's not content to settle for the easy figgie. Throughout this decade, we've had to put up with just the opposite.
  15. Probably feels good, too. Don't tell me it was my Merriman thread that dragged you back into this mess?
  16. I feel like there was an entire thread that I completely missed.
  17. That's the key, for sure. And I agree that any score from our D or special teams would be a huge advantage -- as in any game, but particularly in a game that I expect the offense to struggle a bit in, like this one.
  18. Salvatory glands? Are those, like, Italian or something?
  19. One other thing to keep in mind: last week we were at home, the Jags were on the road. Next week it's the reverse. Don't underestimate the impact of that, especially on things like the advantage the home-team linemen have on both sides of the ball. I expect the Jags offense to be better than last week, depending on how the O-line backups play. I also expect our offense to struggle badly at times. The one thing I think we really have in our favor is special teams. The Jags ST are good, but I've never seen a ST group have such a tremendous impact on the outcome of a game as ours. Seriously, two TDs and a kickoff fumble recovery in one game is just ridiculous. If we can get even a fraction of that on a weekly basis, that takes so much pressure off the offense and defense. I have the feeling that, if our ST continues on this torrid pace, the league is going to wake up and realize just how important a killer ST unit can be.
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