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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Just be careful what you wish for. I don't care how bad Fowler is, if Preston is put in at center we're in some serious trouble.
  2. DiCesare isn't the worst columnist, but he sure didn't help his cause with this one. Seriously, he refers to the trade that brought an aging star (Bledsoe) here -- giving up future draft picks and setting the team back by a few years -- and he's using that as an argument to do the same with Gonzales? You're kidding me, right? Then later, as dave points out, he fesses up that he doesn't really know what happened, despite his insistence that the Bills "froze". Meanwhile, a little internet surfing by GG tells me more than DiCesare could ever hope to. Good grief.
  3. If we don't figure out a way to get a pass rush on Rivers, I think we'll be in trouble.
  4. The most important thing about the Browns-Giants game is that it should put the Bills-Cardinals game in some perspective. The [bills/Giants] are a good team -- maybe not quite as good as their record or stats indicate, but still good. The [Cardinals/Browns] are nowhere near as bad as their record or stats indicate. The [Cardinals/Browns] actually do have a pretty good offense, and generally play much better at home than on the road. The [bills/Giants] don't suck because they got creamed on the road by the [Cardinals/Browns]. Sometimes good teams don't match up well against other teams, or those other teams draw up really good game plans. Anybody think the Giants completely suck because they got hammered by a team that was previously 1-3 and looking as bad as that sounds?
  5. That's hilarious, considering they were following that with the cameras on TV. Anybody who was watching the game at that point would be an eyewitness. Was Silver actually watching the game? If so, he wouldn't have had to say "according to an eyewitness." Some credibility issues, there...
  6. Perfect...absolutely perfect. I think I'll always remember that now.
  7. Should we change your name to 'Baghdad Boomer'?
  8. The ticker tape at the bottom of the NFL Network last night said the Chiefs were asking for a 3rd.
  9. Well...you COULD postulate that he was thrown in along with a draft pick in exchang for Gonzales. I'm not exactly sure why they would want him, though.
  10. Nothing about KC on his Wikipedia page...although it does say it was edited today. So maybe it was removed.
  11. For some reason that made me think of Gene Wilder in "Blazing Saddles".
  12. I always thought I was pretty good at eyeballing spacial things, like the midpoint of a line or the center of a circle. Now somebody made a simple game where you're put to the test. You have to run through the series of seven tests three times, and your average score over all 21 tests is your final score, with lower being better (more accurate). Pretty fun for a short distraction. And oh yeah, I kicked butt: I crushed the very last test with a perfect score (0) and got the top spot with 2.05. Of course, before I finished this post two other people already beat that, but hey.
  13. Hehe, no, must have missed that one. So many, so little time...
  14. Yeah, the thought of throwing a plate of spaghetti in my wife's face makes me want to pee my pants.
  15. The only problem with this is that last week, it's what the Rams were doing to us over and over, and it was killing us. They kept firing the short ins and outs, and we could do little to stop them. For some reason, St. Louis went away from that, and it ended up biting them in the butt. But it made me worried that other teams might pick up on it, and I can't help but think that this is exactly what the Cards did. We had no answer to it. Expect to see everybody and their sisters doing it to us week in and week out until we figure out how to stop it.
  16. I thought you were going to say that's how many seconds Warner had on each passing play to find a receiver. Nevertheless, nice post!
  17. Nobody is saying it isn't. But the original statement was that his arm strength is in question because some of his long throws required the receiver to slow down. All I'm saying that this observation is likely completely unrelated to his arm strength. Frankly, I read this on CNNSI.com tonight with respect to Trent coming out of college: So a pro personnel director thinks he has a fairly strong arm and can make all of the NFL throws. This is a guy who makes his living evaluating talent. I'll trust that opinion over anything here.
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