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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Wow, that's terrible. I had no idea she was battling cancer. How awful.
  2. Nice to hear he's still around. Thanks for the write-up, nice work!
  3. I know they've made glowing cells, or cell components, but they've also had glowing organisms too? That's cool.
  4. Here's a good one: Dogs that glow red. Sweet. Just think of the possibilities.... Oh, and something about this story just blows me away: 13 billion light-years away. Billion. I mean, just one billion light-years is way beyond comprehensible. The distance light travels in a billion years? That's just freaking ridiculous. The distance light travels in a single year is almost hard to imagine. This is talking about the distance light travels in 13 billion years. WTF?
  5. I think we should sign him for the vet minimum. And then cut him the next day. Just for fun.
  6. It's either a smokescreen, or it's right on par with the Bills new "Commitment to Mediocrity" slogan.
  7. Yep, got some good ones. I had a most excellent prep, too, which is good because if it wasn't, I would've been pissed.
  8. I don't know how long they've been using it, but it's magical stuff. By the time I felt it going into my veins, I was out like a light. And it's amazing how clear I was when I popped out of it.
  9. Are you kidding me? It'll take at least another day or two for my raw butt to recover. No sense sprinkling salt (or hot sauce) on my wounds, so to speak. And BB, no trouble at all. I was hoping at least somebody would get a kick out of it.
  10. Well, I'm back, and everything went great. All normal. Thanks for the good wishes, everyone. A little fentanyl, a little propofol, and I was out in less than 20 seconds. About a half hour later I woke up and it was as if nothing happened. Hardly even a bloated feeling. But I'll be damned if I ever drink that sh-- again.
  11. I think it's a good point, although I agree with most posters here who say it's not the Bills who caved. Basically, JP (despite his stats last year) is a good player at a demanding, high-profile, high-pay position. Was he going to be underpaid this year? Yes. Did he deserve to be the highest-paid LT? Not based on his performance last year, but we all know that contracts are not given out based solely on the previous year's performance. The contracts given to Dockery and Walker (and countless others throughout the NFL) bear this out. The fact of the matter is that JP wanted to be the highest-paid LT. There were only three outcomes possible: we pay him what he wanted, someone else pays him what he wanted, or he holds out -- until he either gets what he wanted, or someone else gives him what he wanted. That's the benefit of being very good (or at least perceived to be very good by a lot of NFL people) at a coveted position in the NFL. It wouldn't work for someone who isn't that good, or someone at a position that isn't as coveted. So basically, JP was going to get what he wanted, sooner or later. The real question was, who was going to give it to him? The Bills, or someone else? I think the message sent by the Bills FO is this: show up, put in the effort, be a team guy and all that crap, and we'll be glad to sit down and discuss what you want and what you're worth. Don't do that, and we'll make you honor your contract, unless you put up such a hissy fit that we start finding out if anyone else thinks you're worth it. It's not the best situation or outcome, but it's not the worst, either.
  12. I'm on the schedule for tomorrow, my first. That means I'm prepping right now. And let me tell you, I am in a world of hurt as we speak. I've had so much of that !@#$ing prep solution that I could puke it up right this second, all over my laptop, and I probably wouldn't care. I don't even know how many ounces are in that god damn bottle. I've had at least six glasses of it, although that's a guess since I'm so nauseated and delirious right now I have no idea. And there are still probably three more glasses left, but there is no !@#$ing way I'm having one ounce more of that sh--. It'll have to do. And I don't even want to start on how !@#$ing raw my ass is right now. I can't recall how many times over the years I've had patients who needed a scope, and had to put them through this ordeal. I had no idea just how bad it was. I knew it was pretty bad, but I suspect it's something like having a child -- everyone can tell you what it's like but you'll never really know until your number is called. It makes me wonder if the whole prep process is just to make the scope procedure itself seem like a !@#$ing cakewalk. I hereby formally apologize to anyone who I made go through this. And if any of you have a doctor who makes you do this, refuse to do it unless (or until) he or she has gone through it themselves. !@#$ I hate this sh--.
  13. I guess I can understand it to some degree. The family and I have been season ticket holders since 1977, and I can say without a doubt that this past season was one of the most difficult to bear. The 2-14 seasons were God-awful, but you knew the team was God-awful to begin with. This past season, there was reason to believe the team had a good chance to make progress. But the Bills made themselves God-awful, and at times it was some of the most gut-wrenching idiocy I've ever had to witness. This was a group that demanded to be cleared out, but ownership declared being generally happy with the status-quo. The T.O. signing, to me, was to partly make up for this, but it's hardly enough. I never considered not renewing, but I can see why others might.
  14. Debate all you want, but I will say this: That NFL.com Replay Recutter is pretty darn cool. I hadn't heard of it before now.
  15. All of you who think we'll get both of Philly's first rounders are smoking something. It just won't happen. As usual, players are never worth what people on message boards think they are. If we get one of Philly's first rounders, that's good. We will probably get something else, maybe a third if we're lucky. That's just how it is.
  16. Can't say I'm very happy about this. Count me as one of those who believes you need a strong offensive and defensive line to win, and this does nothing but weaken our offensive line at the most important position. Walker may be okay as a LT, but you need more than okay to be good.
  17. You just haven't yet heard from the crowd of knuckleheads who always clamor "They should've traded down!" even though it probably wasn't possible. Unless they were the GM.
  18. Well, they DO get all off-season to prepare for the opener against us.
  19. Dude, how did that quote make it into this thread?
  20. Do you know this for a fact, or are you just presuming that Brandon, and not Ralph, made that decision?
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