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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Is it me, or does Ellison look a little bigger this year?
  2. I would expect that we should have some idea by the end of training camp and preseason if Walker can handle the LT spot. He certainly did not generate any alarms when he played there last year, but I imagine the coaching staff would thoroughly test him with outside speed rushes to see if he can deal with them. My concern, as people have noted, is what happens if he stinks up the joint? People who think Bell can step right in this year are deluding themselves. I would have thought Chambers would be given the task, but that doesn't seem to be the plan, nor does it make me all warm and fuzzy inside.
  3. I think it's great, but I still need to see how well he steps up when the wins aren't piling up as he is hoping.
  4. I can probably sell you my opener tix if you like. Last year I sold tickets to three games on the Bills web site, and I made enough to almost completely pay for this year's tickets. Of course, the tickets were sold at the height of our success last year, prior to the collapse.
  5. So for a non-astronomer, how does a comet "impact" a gas planet? Wouldn't it just pass through it?
  6. They're calling it cricket because of all of the chirping that will be heard in response.
  7. It always has, and as long as they're here it always will.
  8. He's awful. Then again, he'd fit right in.
  9. Dammit, they won a Super Bowl back then and I missed it?? Crap.
  10. I think that pretty much sums it up. Ellison will probably start the season at OLB, but if Bowen or Ellis are any good we'll probably see one of them take over in mid-season.
  11. Offense of line I believe that could be the new "common man" Pure awesomeness.
  12. I also would not discount the advantage of having a legit #1 receiver in Evans lining up with him. Somebody will be open, now we just have to make sure we can get the ball to whoever it is.
  13. A Tom Brady gorge-fest, mixed in with videos of Homerun Throwback to emphasize how long it's been since we've been in the playoffs. Man I can't wait for that.
  14. I did! Although, it was for The Source, 300 baud. CompuServe came a short time later.
  15. Unlike it appears on the surface, this is an extremely complicated issue. For instance, one has to ask himself two questions: First, why does the U.S. have so many more CT and MRI machines per capita than Canada? Second, is it unquestionably a Good Thing that we have so many? The real answers to these questions, if you're truly interested, can start to give you some insight into how complex this issue really is. Like Halliburton! and Flightsuit!, the simple cries of Socialized Medicine! and Long Waits! fail to grasp the reality of the situation.
  16. I'd just like to interject that this is one of the most intelligent and entertaining threads I've ever read here. Thanks all.
  17. Hehe...no offense at all. Sorry if I came across that way. I think "imply" was the wrong word to use. It was supposed to be more along the lines of, "If you're asking whether the longer wait times in Canada...", etc. As for the cause for all of the potentially unnecessary C-sections...I don't have the answer, although I suspect a great many things factor into it, including the tendency for doctors to pull the trigger on a C-section sooner rather than later, whether because of the belief that it's the better choice (correct or not), fear of lawsuit due to risk, or whatever else.
  18. You want a Transformers review? I got yer Transformers review right here, buddy. Warning: NSFW.
  19. Guy has a tranny at his house once a month with 50 folks partaking? Damn, those are some strange parties you go to.
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