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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. He didn't get burned on the second TD. He actually had pretty good position on the play, but Brady purposely threw it in the perfect spot on his outside shoulder instead of leading him. If he had led him with the ball, Ellison would have been in good position to break it up. But in this case it was an amazing throw, and an equally amazing catch. Now excuse me while I go throw up a little more.
  2. Holy crap, I didn't see anything about an injury. Two starting LBs in one game? Damn...
  3. So why hasn't that worked for us? Oh, I guess it's predicated on actually getting first downs as part of it. Now that's what I'm talking about.
  4. The 2009 Buffalo Bills: If Only They Would Let Us Play On Fridays
  5. I'll get this party started. "The 2009 Buffalo Bills: We Set The Bar Low So You Don't Have To" -or- "The 2009 Buffalo Bills: Striving To Keep The Final Score Respectable" Come on, let's hear them.
  6. How would that not be a total embarrassment?
  7. I hadn't read that. Man, that is something else. I am simultaneously happy that Turk is gone, and pissed that he was put in this position in the first place.
  8. Personally, I find this to be awesome. I often stop by on my iPod Touch during down times, and a slicker mobile version is extremely welcome. As Promo said, being able to post would be cool, too, but I'm just appreciative of the effort.
  9. Unfortunately, it all depends on what the back problem is. Some are worse than others. And it's hard to predict how quickly it can heal. I've had back problems for years since picking up a kid at a weird angle. It hindered me from playing sports (and a few other things) for a couple of years, but it eventually healed and I'm able to do just about everything again. But then again, I'm not trying to stop a 300-pound man running full speed at me a few dozen times every week.
  10. If we can keep them under 40, I would consider that a victory in itself.
  11. Personally, I'm a bit shocked that Seth McKinney made it over Chambers. What little I saw of McKinney this preseason was definitely not pretty.
  12. Well, he did say you were highly trained.
  13. I don't think I've ever been less eager for the start of an NFL season than this year.
  14. Personally, I'm thinking this was the final straw: 1st and 5 at DET 17 (14:15) R.Fitzpatrick pass incomplete short left to J.Stupar. Dropped, receiver at DET 16. 2nd and 5 at DET 17 (14:10) (No Huddle) D.Rhodes up the middle to DET 14 for 3 yards (J.Peterson). 3rd and 2 at DET 14 (13:28) R.Fitzpatrick pass incomplete short left to R.Parrish (E.King). Receiver and coverage at DET 5. 4th and 2 at DET 14 (13:24) R.Lindell 33 yard field goal is No Good, Wide Right, Center-G.Sanborn, Holder-B.Moorman. I mean, seriously. I don't want to have to sit through that anymore.
  15. Great. So Deadspin was right all along. Inept offense and hermaphrodites.
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