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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. The guy has played in four games this year and is the #2 ranked passer in the NFL. Are we really asking for more from the QB position right now? There are many reasons he's playing better, and it's because the whole offense is playing better. The run blocking is getting better, the pass blocking is getting better, the running backs are picking up the blitz better, the receivers are getting open better, and the game plans are slowly evolving as the team gets more confident in what they're doing. All of this takes time, even with the right guy in charge of it. You can't expect the offense to come out like gangbusters at the start of the season with a new coach and a lot of young, inexperienced players. And that includes Fitz, who hasn't played a huge amount in his time in the league. Everyone, including Fitz, is starting to 'get it', and that gives them increasing confidence, and the ability to do more on offense. This is what gives me the greatest hope as we move forward, especially (and hopefully) into next season, when presumably we can seriously address the deficiences in the defense (DE and LB).
  2. No kidding. Didn't we hear all week before the game that the Ravens were going to beat the living hell out of us after their crushing defeat in New England? Now everybody is saying they were looking past us. Whatever.
  3. So you're starting next week's game thread on a Monday? Sounds reasonable.
  4. Here's a stat to open some eyes: According to Chris Brown, Fitz is the first QB to throw for 3 TDs in consecutive games since Kelly in 1990. WTF??
  5. I've always liked Fitzy, but I've been one of those that looked at him as a career backup. I think he has some good tools, but I've thought like others that his accuracy and velocity were the biggest issues for him. Like Kelly said, there are throws that he has to make, but missed either because of accuracy or a lack of velocity on the ball. I'm starting to wonder just how much of an issue that has to be, though. If a guy can throw for that many yards and TDs on the road against the #3 defense in the league, he's got some balls. The thing I like about him is that he has the two things that are hard to teach -- pocket presence, and the moxie to take chances instead of playing it safe. JP had horrible pocket presence, but he did have some moxie. Trent had fairly horrible pocket presence and absolutely no moxie. It's just nice to see a guy who knows when to tuck and run, and who doesn't bail on every play if the #1 receiver isn't wide open. Personally, I'd give the job to Fitz and do everything in my power to shore up the defense next year. The offense is actually fairly decent -- it's that defense that is downright embarrassing.
  6. 1. Buffalo allowed only 135 yards rushing, in what seems like the first time since the Clinton administration that they did not give up more than 200 yards rushing. 2. Buffalo allowed only 2 of 11 third down conversions (18%), and made 11 of 17 themselves (64%). I am quite certain the stats guys have that reversed, but for now I'll just pretend that they didn't. 3. Buffalo punted only twice the whole game, matching their previous average number of punts before the first TV timeout. 4. Buffalo allowed fewer sacks (1) than they had (2), and even that one sack really shouldn't count as a sack. In related news, Cornell Green just reinjured himself at the buffet table. 5. Buffalo had an advantage of more than 13 minutes in time of possession. I'm thinking they counted most of the television timeouts in our favor. 6. Despite these stats, most of which we haven't seen in the new millenium, we still somehow suck serious ass on defense. Which is why stats, as they say, are for losers. Go Bills.
  7. The thing that impresses me the most is that we had this kind of offensive production against one of the top defenses in the league, on the road. Seriously, did anyone think we could make the Ravens defense look so bad in their own stadium? This is the Bills offense we're talking about.
  8. If by 'crapshoot' you mean 'we shoot, and crap comes out', well then, I would agree.
  9. This is his first healthy scratch. And in front of his hometown. I'm one of those that hates to judge a draft too early, but this pick is now officially, to me, one of the worst ever for this franchise. And I've been following since the mid-70s with some truly horrendous picks. This franchise's drafting over the past ten years has been embarrassingly bad, and the number one reason we suck so badly today.
  10. It's always correctable. I've been waiting ten years for them to correct all the "little things" they keep messing up.
  11. I will say this year is definitely a different year in terms of making the effort to watch the team. I probably can't anyway given business obligations, but if there was a strong, committed group that gathered every week at a nearby place, I'd still consider it -- getting together with Bills fans from different places is more fun and worthwhile than the game itself anyway. Though I will say my first night here was pretty damn good. Went to a small Japanese restaurant called Guu. Unfreakingbelievable, and cheaper than anything you can get in the states.
  12. You know it, man. Wish there would be more partying than expected, but you never know. I'm not even sure how much I can get away for the game. Who knows, by the time I get out it will probably be the end of the first quarter with the game already decided. Thanks for the suggestions, BB...
  13. Tried this in the other forum, but not much action there. I'm going to be in Vancouver this weekend on business, so just wondering if there happens to be a collection of Bills fans there who get together to watch the game. I'll be staying downtown near the convention center, so any ideas would be appreciated! Feel free to respond here or PM me.
  14. The Days lived right across the street from me in Tonawanda when I was growing up. He was a ridiculously large man. I was good friends with his son, and his wife and my mother are still very close friends.
  15. Does anyone realistically think Wade would come back here after what went down with Ralph when he was let go?
  16. I was good friends with Abe's daughter in high school. Yeah, that's all I can contribute to this.
  17. Great write up, thanks. Maybe one day I'll get back there and get the opportunity to hang with the TBD folks on game day...
  18. If we had even serviceable tackles on either side, we'd be far better off. Bell may get there someday, but right now our tackles are just a liability more than anything.
  19. Seriously, you don't think we're already there? For real?
  20. Used to stay in Durango when we'd drive between Salt Lake and Santa Fe...love that town!
  21. Could not have said that any better myself.
  22. 0, and we'll be talking about how Jake Long at 75% was able to manhandle Maybin at 100% the whole game. I would really, really like to be proven wrong.
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