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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. Interesting, in the comments to that article, this was posted: I sense a similarity. Do you use different names? By the way, this was the response:
  2. I'm not sure which game you were watching, but there were tons of Raiders fans at that game last night. You could even hear the loud cheering whenever the Raiders made a play or a touchdown. The Bills-Raiders games that I've been to always had way more Raiders fans than I expected, and certainly more than any other team except maybe Pittsburgh.
  3. I hope so, because I watched that game and the Raiders defense looked flat out NASTY. Made a lot of dumb mistakes with penalties, but they were smacking the Broncos around all night. McFadden played like a man as well, but if we can stuff him and force Campbell to be the playmaker, we have a good chance. Hopefully, they will be beaten up and tired come Sunday. The Raiders are better than most people think.
  4. Link?
  5. Very sorry to hear that, Lori. All the best, we miss you here.
  6. This entire thread is hilarious.
  7. Okay, now what? I still don't fully understand what kind of deep insight you expect journalists to have just by covering a team. What, outside of live action, would have given anyone any deep appreciation of where the team would be at this year? Conversations with players and coaches? More rah-rah stuff that we hear every year about who's ready to step up, which players are more comfortable with the system after a full season, and which players reported to camp injury-free and in the best shape of their lives? Comraderie during the long off-season? Great accuracy and route running during padless practices? As for live action, did you or anyone else see anything special during the abbreviated training camp and four generally dull and lifeless preseason games (except for one half of one game against a depleted Jacksonville team) to provide a genuine shot of optimism and expectation for the big opener? Should journalists necessarily have a better eye for such details that apparently must be beyond the average fan's ability to see? I'm sorry, I really just don't get where the question is coming from.
  8. I'm really finding this thread hard to believe. I can't decide which is more absurd, launching to the premature conclusion that the Bills have definitively turned the corner after one game, or expecting that covering the team as a journalist somehow would have provided the prescience to see yesterday's debacle before it happened?
  9. Agreed. Nelson had a great game, as did Chandler and Stevie. I like that on many of these throws, Fitz is just putting it up and trusting these guys to make the play.
  10. I gotta go with John on this one. Being a solid offensive lineman doesn't mean you can't have a bad play here or there. Overall, I thought the line was solid, including Pears. The mere fact that I mostly didn't notice anyone on the line the whole game is a good sign.
  11. Wow, so sorry to hear that. Glad you are all healthy and safe. Best of luck to you.
  12. Only if you put "Fitzgerald" above the 14. Actually, I take that back. Never mind.
  13. For what it's worth, this Yahoo thingy lists the Bills at #20, even though it doesn't seem to be billed as a ranking. He does acknowledge liking the Bills more than most. Linky
  14. It was also Marty Lyons, not Joe Klecko, who was "giving him the business down there."
  15. I don't think so, I think that was later on.
  16. As long as opposing teams don't try any reverses or play-action fakes, Kelsay should be fine.
  17. Interesting. Wonder if this opens up the spot for Roosevelt...
  18. I don't know if anyone else watched the Jets-Giants game on Monday night, but neither one of their offenses was particularly good, and neither scares me. Their defenses are both very strong, however.
  19. I agree with Art -- it's not about him starting, it's about him playing on the left side vs. the right, which probably says as much about Wang as it does Hairston.
  20. You guys are right, it's all about me. Wait, what?
  21. "May my daughter get hit by a car if I'm lying" was already taken, so I got nothing.
  22. What was the story with Moats?
  23. Where's the Poz hate?
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