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Everything posted by Rubes

  1. As far as the slot goes, that's going to be occupied by Nelson and, when we go to a four-receiver set, probably Donald Jones. That 4th receiver spot in that set is the other outside receiver, which will likely be either Easley or Graham. I'm actually pretty stoked about that group -- like Gailey implied, I think our receivers are going to be a lot better than most outsiders are giving them credit for.
  2. Actually, when you think about it -- our second string D-line is actually pretty darn good, which I'm hoping will help to make our backup O-linemen even better. Because, you know, we're going to need a few of them sooner or later.
  3. From what I've read, it sounds like Moats is the backup to Morrison, so I imagine he will stick around. Either White or McKillop will stick as the backup to Shep, with the other being cut. If McKillop's knee is good I can see him sticking, since he apparently was very good at special teams with the 49ers. My guess is that they keep Barnett, Shep, Morrison, Bradham, McKillop, Moats, and Carder. But that's 7, and it doesn't count Scott, who is certainly sticking around. Perhaps Carder goes to the PS? Or do they really consider keeping 8?
  4. Interesting, thanks for pointing that out. I missed that part -- I had only seen the "1,000 percent Steelers fan" thing and thought, "I can only imagine what Browns fans are thinking."
  5. The Roster on Buffalobills.com lists TJ as 6'0" and 180lbs.
  6. Love it. Can't wait to see these guys in action!
  7. Thanks, Jay. Love hearing that stuff, much appreciated.
  8. Great report, thanks! That comment about Keith Williams made me LOL.
  9. Cool story, thanks!
  10. Thanks! I needed that. Badly.
  11. Love me some this stuff. Thanks Mike for my supply of crack this summer.
  12. Yet Nix himself said he didn't want to put someone in a swing position like that. I'm certain he was talking about Scott, so it's very unlikely Scott would be considered the 4th safety.
  13. The thing I never understood is how quarterbacks and receivers are supposed to make pre-snap reads when the defensive players are moving around, pretending to show blitz, etc.
  14. Tom Brady as a whole is an abomination, but I think you mean aberration. Which is true, considering how well they were running the ball. I do think Fitz had a great game (after the INTs) and was one of the reasons for the victory, but there were many reasons for it, luck being one of them. I actually don't think the PI call on Nelson in the end zone was that bad of a call. The guy clearly was preventing him from getting to the ball with his back turned. Nelson could have certainly had the chance to break it up. Not the best call, but certainly not the worst. Was it really worse than the end zone PI call in the "Just give it to 'em" game in New England? Now THAT was the worst.
  15. It doesn't mean anything to the kids these days unless it's a full-sized replica created in Minecraft.
  16. Holy smokes, I've been looking for that video clip of Nate Clements destroying Tom Brady for years now. Where did you find it??
  17. Just a note: The title of the thread asks to pick which receivers will survive, but the poll itself asks to pick which ones will be cut.
  18. Hmm, I didn't see anywhere in his response where he bashes the Bills, only the city of Buffalo. Was he disrespecting the organization that paid him?
  19. So does this make you Captain Foresight?
  20. Love the new unis.
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